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Data Visualization Tools

The Data Visualisation Tool Catalogue (The The Data Visualisation Catalogue is a project developed by Severino Ribecca to create a library of different information visualisation types. The website provides tools for the creation of various visualisation graphical presentations to help data analysts create visualisation reports.

Initially, this project was for self-developed data This project was originally developed as a way to accumulate and document visual knowledge and to create a reference tool for future work. However, it was felt to be useful for designers and anyone else in the field who needs to use data visualization.

Although a number of established data visualization methods have been tried in the past, there is no truly comprehensive, detailed website to help you choose the right method for your needs. Each visualization method is added bit by bit, as I study each method individually to find the best way to explain how it works and what works best for it. Most of the data visualized in the sample images on the site is virtual data.

Online hacking attack on visualization map

iPviking: online hacking The visualization map has a visualization data map of real-time detection of attacks conducted by a Norwegian company on the worldwide Internet data flow, Users can visually see the attack data around the world, this detection platform can monitor the network of various attack methods, the source of which country and other detailed data. This detection platform can monitor the network of various attack methods, the source of which country

[From the map you can see the most frequent hacker attacks in that country]

For hacker attacks people tend to think that these operations are carried out underground, the surface people simply can not see, only to know that a certain website was attacked. Only know so-and-so site was attacked, so-and-so platform was hacked such topics, and then the Norwegian company through their detection of data to create this dynamic effect of the visual map, the hacker attack data flow directly displayed on the network, users can see which countries attacked those The time in the lower left corner is the attack data that is happening at this moment. ;/p>

Below we explain how to read this picture:

The lower left corner of the site box are shown: the specific time, the attacker organization, the attacker's geographic location, the attacker IP, the target location The attacker's country of origin and the attacked country of origin are shown in the left/right boxes.

Friendship Tip: This website is currently out of service, so we replaced the previous URL, adding a website with the same type of station as these. We have added the same type of site as this one.

Real-time domain name dynamic monitoring service website

Dns Spy is a 24-hour monitoring Domain name dynamics of the service site, as long as the domain name record changes immediately notify the webmaster, build a simple site, a single site has a certain amount of traffic, the domain name has become the lifeblood of the site, especially the domain name was stolen, then the site is basically ruined, protect the domain name is more important than anything else.

DNS Spy provides a free service that automatically The free DNS Spy service automatically monitors the DNS records of domain names for you, and automatically sends Email alerts to inform webmasters when domain name records have changed. While the more common web monitoring services focus on the ability to start, connect, and respond properly, DNS Spy focuses more on the lesser noticed changes in records.

This site's domain name has been stolen, the things experienced in the middle are profound, when you are still updating every day, in fact, the lifeblood of the site has been secretly controlled by others, we do not have the habit of frequently checking the domain whois records, even if the domain name is PUSH to other You will not be able to know the first time under the account.

For security reasons, either you regularly query the domain whois information, or find a higher degree of security domainers, add registrar lock, domainer lock, or use DNS Spy this reminder service, to add a few more locks to your domain name is definitely not too much, Baidu have lost the domain name of things happen.

Online website security testing platform

MyWot:Online Website Security Inspection Platform MyWot: Online Website Security Checker is a free website browsing and shopping security checker that helps you stay away from online scams, identity theft, unreliable shopping sites, and security threats.

WOT is the abbreviation for web of trust WOT is an add-on component for Firefox. Web of Trust protects you when you browse and shop online. It protects your computer from online threats such as spyware, adware, and viruses when you click on a website link; alerts you to online scams, websites with adult content, and spam; and prevents money loss from unreliable online vendors, counterfeit fraudulent attempts, and identity fraud.

The WOT community of millions of members plus data from trusted sources has rated over 22 million websites. WOT users rate sites based on four factors: trustworthiness, provider reliability, privacy, and parental control. The ratings cover popular download sites as well as online shopping sites and personal blogs.

Nokia Map System Platform

Here:Nokia Map System Platform is It is the fourth mapping service provider after Google Maps, Microsoft Bing Maps and Apple Maps, and it can synchronize personalized data of Here maps between different devices through Nokia account.

Here Maps includes a tool called Map Creator, which encourages users to add to the map: for example, by adding streets to existing maps and adding information such as traffic directions. Nokia will add the results of these user collaborations to the official database.

In addition, Here Maps also provides 3D map effects, not many city scenes are fully supported, none in China, but simple 3D rendering in the China map is still available. The system provides faster local rendering and a more robust offline map experience with less bandwidth required. In addition to PC, Mac, and Windows Phone, the Here app will soon be available on Android, iOS, and Firefox OS.

3D UI design development platform

RightWare:3D UI Design development platform is a help designer more convenient to create 3D UI and deployed to the full platform of the tool software, is established in 2009 by a Finland company developed into, called Kanzi U design software. Kanzi UI this set of tools to eliminate the communication barrier between designers and engineers, so that designers can better express their design ideas.

The current workflow is UI design process are Kanzi UI's design tools can help designers easily create 3D UI and then deploy it to various platforms. The whole process does not need to write a single line of code, it can perfectly realize the designer's intention.

Rightware's core team from the 3D Mark featuremark company, in the GPU optimization has a deep technical experience. Kanzi UI can use a small engine to achieve realistic 3D effects, unlike most of the current 3D desktop just use multiple The difference between the two is that other 3D desktops can't click on the icons on the desktop when rotating, because the icons are just a superposition of multiple images, while the 3D desktop made with Kanzi UI is able to click on the icons when rotating.

In addition to the smartphone and tablet markets, Rightware has partnered with a number of major players in the in-car system space, such as Audi, BMW and Benz. As the largest mobile electronic device, the car will definitely add a new dimension to the mobile Internet in the future, and the corresponding UI market will also have a long development. Kanzi UI is a tool that can significantly optimize the efficiency and communication of the UI department and reduce the operation process, which should be further developed in the future.

Social RSS Online Reader

FlowReader: Socializing RSS Online Reader is an online reader that fully integrates RSS feeds with Twitter and Facebook. After reading the feeds, you can see what people you follow are talking about on Twitter and Facebook, and what comments are worth browsing.

The free FlowReader can After logging in with your Google account, Twitter or Facebook, you can import your subscriptions into FlowReader. After connecting to your social accounts, you can also see your friends' updates through the timeline. It's also easy to manage your subscriptions, and it's easy to star and share them on various social networking sites.

Google Reader may be powering down as of July 1st, but that doesn't mean you have to say goodbye to your feeds. Use our importer to add your feeds to FlowReader and give your content a new home.

FlowReader lets you View everything together, or separate the feeds from your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Customize your experience to fit your content needs.

AlternativeTo|alternative software recommendation network

Crowdsourcing software recommendation (Alternative To) is a new platform to help users quickly find good software, support to tell users the most want to replace the software , and according to user suggestions to provide the best software choice, the site currently contains more than 60,000 software in the database, users can post their opinions on certain software here.

Term explanation: software public package as the name implies is to put Software development needs through the crowd-sourcing platform contracted to individuals with software development capabilities to complete, the demand side and personal development between each other to obtain the required benefits of software development and service model.

Software crowd-sourcing mode can eliminate part of the software development office costs and enterprise costs. For the software development process, indepen dent development and outsourcing development process in the demand side must bear the development process of office costs and corporate operating costs, so independent development and software outsourcing high prices are also evidence-based, but software crowd-sourcing is distributed by the crowd-sourcing Through the project after unpacking to individual developers to complete, the middle does not need office space and other costs, so the price is only outsourced development of five to Seventy percent of the price of outsourcing development, you can save a lot of benefits for the demand side.

For users, do not care whether the software is developed by a company or an individual, and focus on the usability of the software, which is the most worthy of use, the highest efficiency , for example, we are word office software is currently the most mainstream office software, then whether there is an alternative software? For Microsoft's office software users h ave a lot of criticism, so is there an alternative software? With such a demand, you can pass the website to explore it.

Free Internet Resources Download Site

Torrents:Free Internet Torrents is a free public Internet resource platform where users can get free Internet resources such as movies, games, TV, education, music, software, animation and comics.

With the Torrents platform you can The Torrents platform allows you to search for resources using keywords, or according to the list of resources indexed on the site to find the right resource for you, so that the resource site does not need too much introduction, as long as there are seed resources, feel free to use whatever tools you download.

Free Internet resource sharing platform

DownTurk:Free Internet The resource sharing platform is a site that provides software, games, desktop design, Photoshop resources, magazines, music, and other Internet resources that users can freely upload and download.

DownTurk web site resources are generally The DownTurk website resources are generally shared through members, mostly third-party web downloads, such as design materials, English e-books, desktop wallpaper, etc., similar to the domestic VeryCD.

Email Security Cloud Storage Platform

DropMyEmail:Electronic Email security cloud storage platform is a cloud storage website that provides network data security. By providing professional email security equipment, it prevents people from losing or damaging data due to various reasons, and realizes both email backup and transplantation to ensure the security of information.

DropMyEmail website is useful It is very simple, supports multiple languages, of course, also supports Chinese, you just need you enter your email and password, you can synchronize the data in your email, the free version supports 2G of free space.

Since March 1, 2012 on the line after, it is unstoppable, the daily registration volume reached a shock more than 10,000 people, the software simple and convenient operation should be the primary credit, just now the current users have reached more than 500,000. Its user distribution has geographical and extensive. The share of Europe accounted for 23%, Asia accounted for 43%, North America accounted for 17%.

Dropmyemail is a free, convenient, and easy-to-use automatic email backup service. The company's business is currently divided into personal and enterprise versions, and individuals can get 500mb of email storage space for free. In order to recognize those who are willing to share, each time you share information on the website, you can get 256MB, which not only greatly stimulates users' willingness to share, but also increases the market share, but at most you can get 2GB of internal memory.

Internet image tracking tool

In the network a certain picture in the Internet Can the time of appearance and the number of times it has been reprinted on the Internet be queried and counted? The answer is yes, there is such a site "WhereOnThe" can be statistical data, such as how many sites a picture has appeared on, when was the first time it was uploaded can be displayed.

There are requirements for the pictures you want to query. The pictures supported by the site are required to have a historical time span, recent years or the latest pictures are not available, so the pictures you want to query are preferably old pictures.

Children's dynamic interactive application development network

TocaBoca:Children's Dynamic Interactive TocaBoca is a Swedish children's game studio dedicated to developing children's digital games and interactive applications that allow children to learn about the world through dynamic interactions, each of which stimulates children's imagination and allows them to stop being limited to acquiring knowledge from books.

TocaBoca currently publishes the following apps : Toca Nature, Toca Boo, Toca Town, Toca Pet Doctor, Toca Lab, Toca Hair Salon Me, Toca Mini, Toca Cars, Toca Builders, Toca Tailor Fairy Tales, Toca Tailor Toca Band, etc.

:replaceable software recommendation network

Crowdsourcing software recommendation (Alternative To) is a new platform to help users quickly find good software, support to tell users the most want to replace the software , and according to user suggestions to provide the best software choice, the site currently contains more than 60,000 software in the database, users can post their opinions on certain software here.

Term explanation: software public package as the name implies is to put Software development needs through the crowd-sourcing platform contracted to individuals with software development capabilities to complete, the demand side and personal development between each other to obtain the required benefits of software development and service model.

Software crowd-sourcing mode can eliminate part of the software development office costs and enterprise costs. For the software development process, indepen dent development and outsourcing development process in the demand side must bear the development process of office costs and corporate operating costs, so independent development and software outsourcing high prices are also evidence-based, but software crowd-sourcing is distributed by the crowd-sourcing Through the project after unpacking to individual developers to complete, the middle does not need office space and other costs, so the price is only outsourced development of five to Seventy percent of the price of outsourcing development, you can save a lot of benefits for the demand side.

For users, do not care whether the software is developed by a company or an individual, and focus on the usability of the software, which is the most worthy of use, the highest efficiency , for example, we are word office software is currently the most mainstream office software, then whether there is an alternative software? For Microsoft's office software users h ave a lot of criticism, so is there an alternative software? With such a demand, you can pass the website to explore it.

Based on cloud-based paper management platform

Refme is a free cloud Refme is a free cloud-based service platform that helps users to quickly take notes and collect data when researching literature, and furthermore, it addresses the special needs of writing by providing: automatic bibliography creation, automatic citation formatting" features! Can also cloud synchronization, multi-person collaboration.

The Refme website can be described as a reference It allows us to spend more time focusing on content research collection and forget about the pressure of building a reference index; it not only helps us to collect literature quickly and export citation formats automatically, but also to export the whole database to our Evernote, OneNote, and even thesis-specific software such as RefWorks and EndNote at the end. The citation format can be automatically exported to Evernote, OneNote, and even to RefWorks and EndNote for papers.

With RefMe, you can start using it on the web after registering your account and logging in. We can collect various bibliographies and abstracts in RefMe, and automatically generate the citation format needed for the paper. If you want to insert a new bibliography or literature, just click "Create Reference" at the top right of the RefMe page.

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