

Online hacking attack on visualization map

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brief introduction

iPviking: online hacking The visualization map has a visualization data map of real-time detection of attacks conducted by a Norwegian company on the worldwide Internet data flow, Users can visually see the attack data around the world, this detection platform can monitor the network of various attack methods, the source of which country and other detailed data. This detection platform can monitor the network of various attack methods, the source of which country

[From the map you can see the most frequent hacker attacks in that country]

For hacker attacks people tend to think that these operations are carried out underground, the surface people simply can not see, only to know that a certain website was attacked. Only know so-and-so site was attacked, so-and-so platform was hacked such topics, and then the Norwegian company through their detection of data to create this dynamic effect of the visual map, the hacker attack data flow directly displayed on the network, users can see which countries attacked those The time in the lower left corner is the attack data that is happening at this moment. ;/p>

Below we explain how to read this picture:

The lower left corner of the site box are shown: the specific time, the attacker organization, the attacker's geographic location, the attacker IP, the target location The attacker's country of origin and the attacked country of origin are shown in the left/right boxes.

Friendship Tip: This website is currently out of service, so we replaced the previous URL, adding a website with the same type of station as these. We have added the same type of site as this one.

Online hacking attack on visualization map
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