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European Cultural Library

Europeana:The European Cultural Library is the official website of the European Cultural Library, offering more than 4.6 million items from the European Cultural Collection with a multilingual interface.

Official website of the Russian State Library

Russian Chamber of Books (Russian name Российская Книжная Палата, abbreviated as РКП) is a Russian state edition library, the organization was founded in 1917, its functions are equivalent to the Chinese edition library and the barcode center of the General Press and Publication Department. It is a statutory publication edition collection in Russia, responsible for the issuance of book numbers, cataloging of books, collection and storage of various publications, as well as the classification and statistical work of all types of books published and issued in the Russian Federation.

All major libraries in Russia use the library's The book classification method and data. At present, authoritative statistics on book publishing in Russia also mainly from the Russian Book Depository. The organization is the central institution of the International ISBN Russia, which is part of the Russian Federation state budget unit.

Russian Book Depository is a permanent depository collection of all kinds of books, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, propaganda, posters, postcards and other publications published in Russia, and by 2007, the number of collections exceeded 82 million volumes (copies), and 100,000 volumes (copies) of publications processed by computer each year. All this information is provided to all types and levels of libraries, scientific institutions, archives, book and periodical editorial offices, publishing houses, etc. throughout Russia through book classification indexes, electronic automatic databases, etc. In November 1994, the State Duma of Russia passed the Law of the Russian Federation on the obligatory submission of samples of literature. In January 2002, the State Duma of Russia amended and supplemented the Law of the Russian Federation on Compulsory Submission of Documentary Samples to further improve the system of compulsory submission of documentary samples. In January 2002, the State Duma amended and supplemented the Law of the Russian Federation on the obligatory submission of documentary samples, which further improved the system of documentary submission.

Swedish National Library

Kb.Se:The National Library of Sweden is Se:The National Library of Sweden is one of the Swedish cultural departments responsible for collecting, describing, preserving and making available all materials published in Sweden, materials published abroad relating to Sweden or written by Swedes, and representative foreign language materials in the humanities, located in Stockholm, Sweden.

The Swedish National Library preserves and expands the Library's The National Library of Sweden preserves and expands the use of the collection of antique and rare books, current pamphlets, manuscripts, maps and photographs, and is also responsible for the planning, development, and domestic joint cataloging and national joint cataloging of the national library organization.

The National Library of Sweden has been collecting virtually everything printed in Sweden or in Swedish since 1661. We have made the material available to the public, who can visit the library to request and read all the different types of texts.

The Department of Audiovisual Material (previously the Swedish National Archive of Recorded Sound and Moving Images) collects TV and radio programs, movies and videos distributed in Sweden, Swedish music and multimedia recordings.

The National Library is also a humanities research library that purchases scholarly literature in several languages. We coordinate services and programs for all research libraries in Sweden and administer and develop LIBRIS, the national library catalog system.

The National Library of Sweden is a state agency. We are a staff of about 400 and our offices are in Stockholm.

National Library of the Czech Republic

"Czech National Library" is a central library in the Czech Republic. The main building of the library is located in the historical complex of the Clement Institute in Prague, which houses about half of the collection, while the remaining half is housed in a building in the Hostivář district.

The main building of the library is located in the historical complex of the Klement Institute in Prague, which holds about half of the collection, while the remaining half of the books are housed in the Höglund Library. The remaining half of the books are housed in a building in the Hostivař district. The National Library of the Czech Republic is the largest library in the Czech Republic, with a collection of about 6 million books and about 60,000 registered patrons. On the other hand, in addition to Czech language literature, it also holds other ancient materials from Turkey, Iran and India, and the library also holds books from Charles University in Prague.

The history of the Clementine College dates back to the 11th century when a small chapel was built for pilgrimages to St. Clement. In the Middle Ages, the Dominicans founded a monastery that became a Jesuit university in 1556, and in 1622, the Jesuits moved books from Charles University to Clement College, which merged into Charles University in 1654. The Jesuits existed until 1773, when Queen Maria Theresa of Austria built Clement College as an observatory, library, and university. The National Library was founded in 1781, and since 1782 the Clemente Institute has been a legal collection library. 1918 the new Czechoslovakia took over the library, and since 1990 it has been the National Library. The Czech National Library was listed by UNESCO as a Memory of the World project in 2005, and after centuries of witnessing historical changes and treasuring valuable human books, it remains one of the richest cultural landmarks in Prague and one of the most beautiful book havens in the world. The Czech National Library is managed by the Ministry of Culture and is the largest library in the Czech Republic, with a collection of about 6 million books and about 60,000 registered readers. In addition to Czech language literature, it also holds other ancient materials from Turkey, Iran and India, and the library also holds books from Charles University in Prague.

Norwegian National Library

NB.NO:The National Library of Norway is The National Library of Norway is Norway's central cultural institution and the country's largest documentation center. The main purpose of the Norwegian National Library Oslo is to preserve the national documentary heritage and to provide access to documents.

The The National Library of Norway was founded in 1913 and is located in Oslo, Norway's capital city, and in the northern town of Mojlana. The National Library of Norway is Norway's central cultural institution and is the country's largest literature center. The mission of the Norwegian National Library includes the protection, preservation and development of the collection in several areas, and the collection of various information materials in various materials is an important goal of the National Library.

The National Library of Norway has overarching responsibility for planning the operation and development of

Vigdis Moe Skarstein has been National Librarian since 1 December 2003 She is a qualified librarian and has an MA in the History of Literature. Between 1998 and 2003 she was University Director at the Norwegian University of Between 1998 and 2003 she was University Director at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and was Chair of Arts Council Norway from 2001 to 2009; /p>

Royal Library of Belgium Library of Belgium The Royal Library of Belgium is a scientific institution of the Belgian Confederation, dating back to the 15th century when the Duke of Burgundy built the Burgundy Library, whose collection consisted mainly of 900 manuscripts.

The Royal Library completed a retrospective bibliography from 1875- The Royal Library has completed a retrospective bibliography for the years 1875-1930, and since 1999 has published only the Belgian bibliography on CD-ROM, and the 1875-1998 bibliography is also available on CD-ROM. In addition, the library focuses on public relations, frequently organizing exhibitions, concerts, and publishing a biannual journal.

The Royal Library attaches great importance to the conservation of books, and has conducted a comprehensive study and evaluation of large-scale deacidification, miniaturization, and digitization of documents, and has decided to invest an appropriate amount of money each year to produce a replacement for the 19th century Belgian pamphlet. The staff of the reading room also decides whether to allow or not to allow the reproduction of materials registered by readers, depending on the condition of the materials and the time period.

The Royal Library has also partnered with the libraries of the University of Antwerp and Brussels University, among others, to implement a virtual library project. The aim is to build a virtual library infrastructure using electronic communications technology, with a major emphasis on clearly integrated bibliographic retrieval, electronic document requests and delivery, and a user interface using World Wide Web technology. The project will be developed and tested in three libraries and will be available in six other university libraries. The Royal Library also has a number of collaborations with other international institutions.

The Royal Library of Belgium is responsible for the collection and cataloguing of all Belgian publications, including books, periodicals, maps, architectural plans, engraved documents, coins, medals and printed music, and has the function of general custodian of the national cultural heritage, in accordance with the Law of 1594 on the submission of books. The manuscript collection is undoubtedly the most prestigious of all the valuable collections of the Royal Library of Belgium. The library received some 300 manuscripts from the Library of the Duke of Berghandy and also contains the Florentine script of King Matthias Kavan of Hungary. The collection of the Good Book Department consists of more than 45,000 books, of which 3,000 are antique books (books engraved before 1500 AD). The Department of engraved documents has 700,000 engraved documents and 10,000 ancient and modern paintings. There are 150,000 maps and architectural plans, mostly in bulk, and aerial photographs and official photographs in this department. The Badge Department has a collection of coins, scales, currency weights, chips and various souvenirs. The Sheet Music Department not only maintains the sheet music and musical compositions but also the music research literature of the former Duke of Berghandie and Belgium. The Royal Library of Belgium has a collection of 4,000,000 bound volumes, 21,100 titles, 300,000 manuscripts, 4,750 volumes of cradles, 5,000 degrees, and 5,000 pieces of music; 5,000 degrees; 305,000 government documents; 100,000 pages of music; 140,000 maps; 16,000 audio-visual materials; 6,000 recordings; 205,000 coins and medals; 35,000 volumes of rare books, etc.

The Royal Library of Belgium attaches great importance to the advancement of information technology and has spared no expense in acquiring digital equipment - computers, monitors, printers, digital cameras and other peripherals. SUN series products were chosen as servers. At the same time, to address the lack of information technology staff at all levels, we added a large number of highly professional staff to meet the needs of computer applications and service users. The new search uses the Library of Congress' triple approach: subject line, title line, and keyword.

Advancing the Z39.50 standard and extending it to be consistent with the BATH documents. The full-text journal database and the National Library background database (including LC records) are updated automatically and in a timely manner, and both are available online only at the Library. The Royal Library website has been redesigned for ease of expansion and updating to make it more dynamic. Belgian law requires the site to be bilingual - French and Dutch - and English and German versions will be available soon. A new CD-ROM network is planned to provide dedicated workstations for the visually impaired and to install servers for the use of digital documents.

The Royal Library of Belgium cooperates with private companies to scan 19th century pamphlets, most of them Belgian originals. These pamphlets were bound into volumes according to subject matter and were in critical condition. The scans were made available on CD-ROM for online use in the library. In 2000, the digitization of 270 manuscripts of the 15th century Duke of Burgundy was completed. The museum's digitization policy has a dual purpose: to make this collection of documents more widely available and to make alternatives to endangered documents available to users. The miniaturization of pre-World War I newspapers has now been completed.

National Library of Poland

The National Library of Poland is an archive of Polish documentary products. The institution permanently preserves Polish past and present intellectual products such as documents, charts and engravings, cartography, music, audiovisual and electronic collections.

The National Library of Poland ( Biblioteka Narodowa = The National Library) is closely related to Andrei Stanislav Zavusky and Joseph Andrei Zavusky, who established the library in 1747 and were the founders of the first large-scale public/national library in Poland. After their death the library was taken over by the state and became the Zavusky Library of the Republic. Unfortunately, after the Kosciuszko uprising, Poland lost its independence and the Russians shipped the entire collection of books to St. Petersburg. The repatriated collection, a symbol of Polish culture associated with the National Library, was later completely destroyed in October 1944.

The vision of establishing a national library was inherited in the thinking and behavior of generations of Poles until after the country gained independence in 1918, when the Polish National Library was officially established in Warsaw by presidential decree on February 24, 1928. Since then, before and after World War II, relevant laws and regulations were issued to regulate library activities, and only on June 27, 1997, the Law on Libraries was promulgated to finally establish the function of the National Library in the national library system as the main national library.

In accordance with the provisions of the law of June 27, 1997, the National Library is under the Ministry of Culture and Arts, and it is both the central library of the country and one of the most important cultural institutions of the country. It has a clear and multiple identity and undertakes a variety of functions. While exercising the duties of a research library in the humanities, it is also the main archive of national documents, a national bibliographic information center, a major research institute in librarianship and an important methodological center in the Polish library community.

Given the intellectual potential of its multiform collections, the National Library is now not only one of the most important national cultural units, but perhaps the most important. This makes it imperative for the National Library to take seriously its obligations to national resources and to the Polish nation. The role of the National Library of Poland is not only to manage the collections, staff, and reading rooms as well as possible, but more importantly, it must participate as actively as a cultural institution in the intellectual and cultural life of Poles. In addition to protecting, preserving and promoting the Polish heritage, the National Library carries on the expectations of its predecessors and inherits the responsibility of continuing and promoting the Polish national culture and historical traditions.

The basic mission of the National Museum is to collect, store and permanently preserve the intellectual products of Poland. This includes manuscripts on parchment and paper, early editions of Polish printed books, modern domestic publications, charts, engravings, audiovisual and electronic documents, and publications in Polish or published abroad that are related to Poland. The National Gallery's collection of manuscripts, printed books, and native Polish publications, foreign publications that were once part of historic Polish collections, and modern foreign publications in the humanities will facilitate participation in the globalization of culture.

Over the years the National Library of Poland, like other libraries around the world, has faced the problem of the deterioration of the 19th-20th century industrial mass-produced books, not only old books but also the most recent collections. A series of preventive measures have been developed as a result of painstaking conservation practices over time. The collection is systematically disinfected, temperature and humidity are controlled, and microorganisms and storage conditions are monitored at all times. In recent years, the National Library has made significant improvements to its collections, thanks to the climate control of the new library stacks. These tireless efforts will help to preserve the vast majority of Poland's cultural heritage resources.

Computer Programming eBook Download Network

IT Ebooks:Computer Programming Ebooks Download is a site that provides free downloads of computer-related ebooks, providing data on programming languages such as jQuery, ASP.NET, Android, JavaScript, C#, Ajax, etc.

The IT Ebooks site offers mostly The electronic data that can be downloaded for free, the format is generally PDF, all in English language version, users who need it can directly click on the book for download.

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HolyBooks: Free Bible e-book download site is a website that provides information about ancient biblical literature. For example, ancient books such as the English version of the Bible, the Quran, Yoga, Buddhism, etc., are all free PDF versions in high definition.

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Royal Danish Library

KB.DK: The Royal Danish Library is a library built for the 21st century. Located on the island of Slotsholmen in the historic city of Copenhagen, it includes two parts: new construction and renovation. Its design is considered an anomaly from traditional library architecture, as it accommodates a variety of cultural institutions. This innovative idea originated from the cultural concept of the European Architecture Competition in 1993.

The Danish Royal Library was founded by Frederick III in 1648 and in Christie in 1673 Opened in a building suitable for a library opposite Ann Arbor (now Parliament). Between 1661 and 1664, Frederick III also received four private libraries, whose collections (mainly in Romance languages) formed the core of the Royal Library. In the 18th century, the collection was increased mainly by purchases of private collections, gifts and war looting. At the end of the 18th century, the nature of the library changed and became an academic national library.

In the 1990s, the purpose of the three libraries of the Royal Library changed. The library in Fiorstad emphasizes the social sciences; the campus library in Amager emphasizes the humanities-language, literature, history, philosophy, law, archeology and art; The library is eclectic, covering all subjects.

Compiling a complete national bibliography can prove that the national library has received those publications. The Danish national bibliography is carried out in cooperation between two institutions: the Danish Book Center and the Royal Library.

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National Library of Ukraine

Nbuv:The National Library of Ukraine is The National Library of Ukraine is a collection of the cultural heritage of Ukraine, founded in April 1918. The administrative leadership of the Library is under the responsibility of the Chief Librarian; it has a Center for Book Computing, a Center for Restoration of Books and Antiquities, a Center for Publishing, a Library Institute of the Cultural and Educational Center, an Institute for Research and Analysis of Books, an Institute for Manuscripts, an Institute for Archives, and an Institute for Biography.

The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (The The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine (VNLU), due to the economic difficulties in Ukraine in recent years, the state funding cannot fully meet the development needs of the national library. The Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine expressed its willingness to develop exchange and cooperation with the National Library of China, especially in the areas of economics, history, mathematics, national conditions and other library materials. The library is a member of IFLA.

Number of collections: The National Library of Ukraine has 1.5 million volumes of books; 2,700 titles of current publications; 444,643 pages of manuscripts; 524 volumes of antique books; 44 titles of degrees; 203,290 pages of musical scores; 40,878 maps; 15,764 microfilms; 430 audio-visual materials; and 1,764 audio recordings. 430 pieces; 1,832 recordings; 200 CD-ROMs; 474,000 patents; 800,000 volumes of periodicals.

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