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Children's design work search engine

Every child has the right to explore and discover what he or she likes. Kongoroo is a website designed specifically for children. Webmaster Jana created kongoroo from the idea in 2010, aiming to create a best learning, entertainment application search platform for children to share happiness and well-being.

Kongoroo brings together all the best and most interesting web pages on the web Kongoroo brings together all the best and most interesting web applications for children on the web.

Compared to google for adult applications, Kongoroo is much easier to use and may allow children to find their favorite content with just a few large button clicks.

Kongoroo: Children's Design Works The search engine is divided into five major items: painting, games, learning, music, and video, and each major item is subdivided into six smaller items, so the content is quite rich, and more thoughtful is that it will list the appropriate services according to the gender and age of children, so parents can rest assured that children can safely visit and explore.

Free MP3 search and download engine

Dilandau:Free MP3 The home page of the search and download engine is simple and clear, with a search bar for users to actively search for their favorite music, and all the current hottest artists, bands, songs, etc. displayed below the search bar.

Usage is simple, open the site, no registration required If you enter the name of the music or artist or band you are looking for in the input box and click search, the site will automatically search and display a list of music with the same name.

Click on the green Listen button and a player will pop up at the bottom of the page for online playback and download support. The Dilandau music is played online smoothly and downloaded quickly, and the IE, Google, and Firefox browsers have a superb listening experience. The shortcoming is that there are ads embedded on the page. is a well-known petrol price checking website in Ireland. Users only need to log in with their account number to find out the location of petrol stations, petrol prices, update dates and other relevant petrol information for each region.

Demand search engine

Google has just launched Chinese voice search, Baidu We have introduced various types of search methods such as image, visual, voice, etc., but still found a new search engine, the new search engine tool introduced today,, is so - -We hope to change the traditional thinking of search, from the perspective of "user needs", directly help people solve all kinds of information, work and life problems.

NeedCube is an interesting site that tries to create a new search mechanism that matches people's needs. That is to say, when users search, instead of simply finding any information, they are directly confronted with the information or items they need and can directly buy, use, try and participate in it.

How do you understand "demand-led" as defined by NeedCube? For example, users who want to find a job can enter basic information about their job search, including job title, ideal company, salary, hours, etc. According to the design of NeedCube, when a job title matching this job information appears, NeedCube can send the information to the user's Email dynamically; and for recruiting companies, they can also set the keywords and filter by setting the keywords. For recruiting companies, they can also find possible candidates directly through NeedCube by setting keywords and filtering.

Amazing, right? Here's how NeedCube does it:

There are two types of people on NeedCube: those who want to be found (you want to be found); and those who are looking for people or information (you want to find). They together form a complete search chain, we can understand that: the former provides information, the latter needs information, and this is all based on their respective needs.

For those who want to provide information, you first need to create an account through NeedCube and tell the world about your ideal job, ideal love, items you need to buy or sell, goods or information you are eager to find, and so on. The personal information you post needs to be effectively organized through NeedCube, which means that it needs to be expressed through NeedCube's 5Qs (5 Questions) + "Notes" (Remarks).

The so-called 5 questions are easy to understand: what, when, where, how much, how much money ("what", "when", "where", "how many" and "for how much"), and in the "Remarks The "Notes" section allows you to briefly describe your specific needs or information. By organizing NeedCube in a unified format, people searching for relevant information can find what they need more directly.

You provided this information in NeedCube - you are looking for a job as an Oracle program developer after the second quarter of 2009, want to make at least $80,000 per year, and what your specialties are. Once you have information that matches your needs, NeedCube sends it to you via a registered account or Email.

At this point, the other side of the NeedCube - the people who are looking for information - comes into play, and they can perform targeted filters and searches based on the NeedCube database. Users can search by the keywords "What", "When", and "Where" (when, where, and what), and let's assume that the user It is obvious that when the user enters the keyword "Oracle programmer", he/she can find all the information about people who have had this need and desire to apply for jobs, and get in touch with them. Is this search more targeted? And to meet the needs of both sides.

In this way, you can see how amazing NeedCube's demand-led search engine concept is, right? Of course, NeedCube also faces some challenges in terms of false information, misuse of information, spam, etc., but anyway, this innovative idea of NeedCube really makes our eyes shine.

Currently, the main types of information that NeedCube supports include job hunting, buying and selling tickets, renting and buying houses, buying and selling goods, etc. It is conceivable that with the expansion of NeedCube's information and database, many people will be attracted to use it, and NeedCube will indeed The search engine will be changed.

Professional sports shoes search engine

Searchin is a sports shoe brand dedicated to precision, supporting the search of sports shoe brands and information from around the world, allowing users who want to buy sports shoes to have an accurate choice and judgment, providing users to buy a particular sports shoe efficiency and convenience of the shopping mode.

Searchin main support countries and Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, designed by the brand Adidas, Assis, Brooks, Clarks, Diadona, Kangaroo, Laxalt, New Balance and so on.

RssSearchHub|Online RSS subscription feed search engine

Rss Search Hub It supports RSS, RDF, and ATom news feed search in three different formats, making it easier for users who like to subscribe using RSS to find the readable content they want.

RSS (Simple Syndication) is a message RSS files (also known as digests, web summaries, or frequency updates, provided to a channel) contain full-text or excerpted text, plus web digest data and authorized metadata subscribed to by the publisher.

Really Simple Syndication" aggregation is really simple" is the original English meaning of RSS. The term RSS sometimes broadly means social bookmarking, and includes various RSS formats. For example, Blogspace has labeled the use of webpages in an integrator as RSS info and RSS reader. Although its first sentence contains the explicit Atom format: "RSS and Atom files can update messages from websites to your computer in a simple format! "

RSS feeds can be accessed through an RSS reader, feed RSS feeds can be read by RSS readers, feed readers, or aggregators on web pages or desktop-based software. The standard XML file format allows information to be read through different programs after a single posting. The RSS reader periodically checks for updates and then downloads them to the monitoring user interface.

USA Today - Weather Edition
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USA TODAY-WEATHER is the weather sub-channel of USA TODAY, the only colorful national English-language daily newspaper in the United States. It provides accurate and detailed U.S. weather forecasts and information for the convenience of the traveling public.

Community Information Portal

Community Information Lookup Network ( PicketReport is Detroit's leading online community information site, designed to help people who have just moved to a new environment get acquainted with their surroundings as quickly as possible, providing detailed information on living, schools, neighborhoods, crime rates, maps, and more. The site is extensive, data-rich, accurate, and up-to-date.


Mahalo USA a manual search engine. Unlike other search and query sites, Mahalo's search results are not displayed mechanically, but are manually filtered, and its goal is not to search for global Internet information, but to search for the most top-notch information.

Free eBook Network

Free eBook Network is a well-known U.S. book site, dedicated to providing readers with high-quality free eBooks, but also on these eBooks for scientific classification, including advertising, business, fiction, finance, leisure and entertainment. Users only need to provide an E-mail address to download free e-books.

ISBN Search

ISBN Check is a website dedicated to providing International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN) lookup services, allowing users to check the consistency of book numbers using a built-in verification system. ISBN is an identifier for books and other non-periodic media, coordinated by the International Bureau of Book Numbers, and is a 10-digit number of the ISO 2108 standard (changed to 13-digit from 2007).

USA Jobs

USA Jobs is the official U.S. federal government job site, responsible for posting job openings in various federal government organizations. Registered users can also upload resumes.

Mapquest map

Mapquest is a professional US Mapquest is a professional online free map site, affiliated with (AOL), as the mapping department of Donnelley Company in Chicago, Illinois, USA, established in 1967, is the earliest website providing map services in the United States. Its users can easily find the best way between two places on the map.

Google Books

Google Books Google Books is a book indexing site that provides millions of books for users to read and preview for free, with a powerful search function. In addition, users can also create their own account to buy books online.

ChaCha Q&A

ChaCha is a human-based ChaCha is a website based on a human search engine to connect with users in real time. Unlike other search engines, ChaCha provides the most convenient way to get answers quickly, no matter who, when, or where. Since its inception, ChaCha has answered more than 1 billion questions via web, mobile, social and voice, making it the world's leading real-time question-and-answer service.

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