

RssSearchHub|Online RSS subscription feed search engine

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brief introduction

Rss Search Hub It supports RSS, RDF, and ATom news feed search in three different formats, making it easier for users who like to subscribe using RSS to find the readable content they want.

RSS (Simple Syndication) is a message RSS files (also known as digests, web summaries, or frequency updates, provided to a channel) contain full-text or excerpted text, plus web digest data and authorized metadata subscribed to by the publisher.

Really Simple Syndication" aggregation is really simple" is the original English meaning of RSS. The term RSS sometimes broadly means social bookmarking, and includes various RSS formats. For example, Blogspace has labeled the use of webpages in an integrator as RSS info and RSS reader. Although its first sentence contains the explicit Atom format: "RSS and Atom files can update messages from websites to your computer in a simple format! "

RSS feeds can be accessed through an RSS reader, feed RSS feeds can be read by RSS readers, feed readers, or aggregators on web pages or desktop-based software. The standard XML file format allows information to be read through different programs after a single posting. The RSS reader periodically checks for updates and then downloads them to the monitoring user interface.

RssSearchHub|Online RSS subscription feed search engine
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