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Barry Institute of Technology

Politecnico di BARI (Polytechnic University of Bari) Italy's leading public university, in 1990 from the independent, to the main scientific and technical education programs, the main faculties are the School of Civil Engineering, School of Architectural Engineering-Architecture, School of Industrial Engineering, School of Information Engineering and School of Foggia Engineering. The main faculties are the School of Civil Engineering, the School of Architectural Engineering-Architecture, the School of Industrial Engineering, the School of Information Engineering and the School of Foca Engineering.

Raba Academy of Fine Arts, Brescia

Laba di Brescia (LABA, LABA; Accademia di belle arti-LABA di BRESCIA) is a well-known Italian art school located in the city of Brescia, Lombardy, with the main faculties of visual arts, photography, design The main departments include visual arts, photography, design, art, heritage restoration, multimedia graphic design, joined the European Union Socrates-Erasmo exchange program (lifelong learning program), and with a number of universities in other European countries to implement intercollegiate student-teacher exchanges and cooperation, is an outward-looking art college.

Rome three major

The third University of Rome (Rome three; Terza Università degli Studi di Roma) is a young public university in Rome, founded in 1992, its size is the second largest in Rome, with faculties of architecture, economics, law, engineering, literature and philosophy, education, mathematics and natural sciences. It has eight faculties: the Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, and the Faculty of Political Science, offering bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs, a university language center (CLA), and a nationally recognized Italian language exam.

University of Basilicata (Potenza)

The Università della Basilicata POTENZA (University of Basilicata) is a well-known Italian university, rebuilt after the earthquake in 1980 and officially opened for teaching in 1983. The main departments include engineering, agriculture, architecture, mathematics, science and nature, literature, pharmacy, economics, and basic education.

University of Brescia

The University of Brescia (Università degli Studi di Brescia; English: Brescia University) is a prestigious private university in Italy, founded in 1982, the main faculties are medicine and surgery, engineering and economics, etc., mainly providing undergraduate, master's degree, master's degree, master's degree, master's degree, master's degree, master's degree and master's degree. The main departments are medicine and surgery, engineering and economics, etc., mainly providing undergraduate, master's degree, master's degree, doctoral programs, etc.

Agrigento Michelangelo Academy of Fine Arts

ABAMA; Accademia di belle arti Michelangelo Agrigento (Italian Private Academy of Fine Arts), founded in 1979, is located in Sicily; on June 25, 1992 By the decision of the Council of State, the education level of the Academy is equivalent to that of a university; Decree 268 of November 22, 2002 stipulates that the graduation diploma of the Academy is equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

Bologna Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia di belle arti DI BOLOGNA (Bologna Academy of Fine Arts) is a famous Italian art school founded in 1582, located in the famous Italian art city of Bologna, the main faculties include the Academy of Visual Arts, the Academy of Art Education and Communication, the Academy of Design and Applied Arts.

Milano Bicocca University

The University of Milano-Bicocca (University of Milano-Bicocca) is a public university in Italy, founded in 1998, the main campus in the northern suburbs of Milan, with faculties of economics, computer science, medicine, law, mathematics and natural sciences.

Trieste University

Trieste University was built on the European Square in the city of Trieste, the school was founded in 1877, when the Trieste University was actually the Levotera Higher Commercial School, in 1924, the Trieste University was officially established as a university. Nowadays, the university has a large number of talented people, a strong teaching staff, grades required to enter the school, and the recognition of instructors. The university has 12 specialties: Faculty of Engineering and Technology: architecture, hydraulic engineering, dam construction, mining and applied geology, materials and material science, highway construction, etc.; Faculty of Law: labor law, Roman law, administrative law, international law and comparative law, etc.; Faculty of Literature and Philosophy: Roman literature and philosophy, history, German language, linguistics, medieval and contemporary art, Slavic languages, etc.; Faculty of Business and Economics; Faculty of Education; Faculty of Medicine. The Faculty of Business and Economics; the Faculty of Education; the Faculty of Medicine; the Faculty of Natural Sciences; and the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Bergamo University

The University of Bergamo (Università degli Studi di Bergamo) is a prestigious Italian public university founded in 1968 and located in the city of Bergamo, with its main faculties including the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Philosophy, and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The main departments include the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Philosophy, etc., with the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ranking in the top five in Italy. The Faculty of Business and Economics is ranked among the top five in Italy;

Belgarmo Carrara Institute of Fine Arts

The Accademia Carrara di Belle Arti, an ancient Italian art school founded in 1796 and located in the city of Bergamo in the Lombardy region, offers professional programs at the two-year undergraduate and three-year postgraduate levels. In addition to submitting the relevant documents, applicants must also take an entrance examination organized by the Academy.

Venice Art Institute

The Accademia di belle arti di VENEZIA (Venice Academy of Fine Arts), one of the world's top ten art schools, was established on September 24, 1750, with the approval of the Veneto Senate, has a long history of training Botticelli, Titian, Giorgione, Tintoretto and many other Western It is also the site of the "Venetian School" of the Renaissance.

European Academy of Design official website European Institute of Design ( Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) is one of the largest private design schools in Europe, headquartered in Milan, Italy, with branches in Turin, Rome and Caliari; it has a long history and a high international reputation.

The main design specialties of the IED School of Design are industrial The IED School of Design specializes in industrial design, computer graphics, costume design, jewelry design, illustration, photography, interior design, and scenic design. The school also has a research center, which is a combination of observation, experimentation, teaching, and internship work. The center emphasizes new materials research and new product development. The teaching philosophy of the school emphasizes the organic integration of knowledge and practice. The teaching content is adapted to the changing European market in order to meet the needs of the market.

The IED Academy is dedicated to education and research in the fields of design, fashion, visual arts, management and communication. Today it is a growing network of international schools, and since 2011, students applying for undergraduate courses at the European School of Design can obtain a bachelor's degree accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education.

The European School of Design now has nine campuses, located in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Barcelona, Madrid, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Each campus adopts the philosophy and teaching methods of the IED Group: each campus conforms to IED's global standards, but has its own characteristics, so that the programs offered are in line with local economic and social realities. There are four schools of design in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Madrid, Barcelona and São Paulo: IED School of Fashion, IED School of Design, IED School of Visual Arts and IED School of Communication.

Online World Geological Map Network

The OneGeology website is a It is a dynamic global electronic address data platform that uses a map-based model to provide and develop existing address data in different electronic formats for each country, with a target ratio of 1:1 million, but the project will accept various ratios and the best valid data from a practical perspective. This is a truly innovative, multi-lateral, multi-national initiative that will be hosted by several global organizations.

"Geology The idea of "oneness" has been around since 2006. Like many other ideas, it is simple, basic, and unified, but more importantly, it is timely. The principles of the geological integration concept are: global geological surveys and geoscientists are responsible for opening up the best geological data they have; working together to develop standards for unified open data - interoperable maps; and promoting frequent use of these data to enhance their availability.

Geointegration is an international creative activity of the geological survey community and a flagship project of the 'International Year of Planet Earth'. Its goal is to create an open, dynamic world geological map database on the web to provide geological information to the public. With the enthusiastic support of the participating countries, the idea has grown rapidly and the geological survey community and their many data users have praised this unprecedented project. This web page will provide you with background on the creation of the idea and an update on its progress.

It goes without saying that geology is important. Natural resources are scarce in many parts of the world, and we are often devastated by natural disasters. Many economies are based on the exploitation of natural resources, and geology is at the heart of many of today's most pressing environmental issues. Understanding the root causes of our plight is a key issue. In addition, growing concerns about environmental issues, especially climate change, solving the problem of excessive carbon dioxide emissions, or questions about where future energy will come from, all prompt you to begin to understand the importance of geology.

Kashan Higher Teacher Training School

École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay) is a French university founded in 1912 in Cachan, a suburb of Paris, and one of the four higher teacher training colleges in France.

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