

European Academy of Design official website

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brief introduction European Institute of Design ( Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) is one of the largest private design schools in Europe, headquartered in Milan, Italy, with branches in Turin, Rome and Caliari; it has a long history and a high international reputation.

The main design specialties of the IED School of Design are industrial The IED School of Design specializes in industrial design, computer graphics, costume design, jewelry design, illustration, photography, interior design, and scenic design. The school also has a research center, which is a combination of observation, experimentation, teaching, and internship work. The center emphasizes new materials research and new product development. The teaching philosophy of the school emphasizes the organic integration of knowledge and practice. The teaching content is adapted to the changing European market in order to meet the needs of the market.

The IED Academy is dedicated to education and research in the fields of design, fashion, visual arts, management and communication. Today it is a growing network of international schools, and since 2011, students applying for undergraduate courses at the European School of Design can obtain a bachelor's degree accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education.

The European School of Design now has nine campuses, located in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Florence, Barcelona, Madrid, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Each campus adopts the philosophy and teaching methods of the IED Group: each campus conforms to IED's global standards, but has its own characteristics, so that the programs offered are in line with local economic and social realities. There are four schools of design in Milan, Rome, Turin, Venice, Madrid, Barcelona and São Paulo: IED School of Fashion, IED School of Design, IED School of Visual Arts and IED School of Communication.

European Academy of Design official website
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