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Pompeu Fabra University

Pompeu Fabra University is a public university in Spain, founded in 1990, located in Barcelona, with a high reputation in Europe and the United States for its economics program.

Murcia University

The Universidad de Murcia, an ancient Spanish institution of higher learning, was officially founded in 1914, with its predecessor founded in 1272, and has 16 departments, including Fine Arts, Biology, Sports Sciences, Work Sciences, and Communication and Archives Management, as well as five schools, including Nursing, Social Work, and Light. The College of Nursing, the College of Social Work, the College of Optometry, and five other schools.

Seville University

Universidad de Sevilla is a public university with a long history in Spain, founded in 1551, located in the autonomous region of Andalusia, offering specialist, undergraduate, master's and doctoral programs, as well as university-level diploma programs of study, with 17 departments of fine arts, biology, education and higher education. There are 17 faculties such as Fine Arts, Biology, and Educational Sciences, and 8 faculties such as Higher Institute of Construction Technology, Higher Institute of Information Engineering Technology, and Higher Institute of Engineering Technology.

Valencia Polytechnic University

Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV; Universitat Politècnica de València), also known as Universidad Politécnica de València, is an excellent public university in Spain, known for its quality programs and modern campus environment, founded in 1968, located in the Valencian Autonomous Region. It is located in the Autonomous Region of Valencia and has research centers, research schools and applied research projects with national and international institutions and companies.

Alcala University

The University of Alcalá (Universidad de Alcalá), one of the oldest universities in Europe, was founded in 1499 by the Spanish Regent, Cardinal Cisnero, and is located in the city of Alcalá de Henares, with the main departments of mechanical automation and architecture. In addition, every year the King presents the Cervantes Prize, an important award in Spanish literature, in the auditorium of the University of Alcalá.

Santiago de Compostela University

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela is an ancient Spanish public university founded in 1495, located in the autonomous region of Galicia in the northwest, with 19 departments, including Biology, Communication Sciences, Education Sciences, Economics and Business Sciences. It has 19 departments, including Biology, Communication Sciences, Education, Economics and Business Sciences, and 6 faculties, including Higher Engineering and Technology, Nursing, Optometry, and Higher Polytechnic.

Jaime I University

Universitat Jaume I is a Spanish public research university founded in 1991 and named after King Jaume I. It is accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education and offers professional programs at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels. The main departments are the Faculty of Justice and Economic Sciences, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Advanced Technology and Experimental Sciences.

Polytechnic University of Madrid

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is a top Spanish polytechnic university founded in 1971, offering specialized courses at the specialist, undergraduate, master and doctoral levels, with two departments: Informatics and Sports and Activities Sciences, as well as the Higher Institute of Architecture and Technology, the Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Technology, and the Higher Institute of Agriculture. The University has 18 faculties, including the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Sports and Activities Sciences, as well as the Higher Institute of Architecture and Technology, the Higher Institute of Aeronautics and Technology, and the Higher Institute of Agricultural Technology, which have trained many people in the field of science and technology, as well as many Nobel Prize and National Architecture Prize winners.

King Juan Carlos University

UNIVERSIDAD REY JUAN CARLOS (King Juan Carlos University) is a modern public university in Spain, founded in 1996, located in Madrid, with four campuses, known for the excellent quality of teaching and high employment rate, through theoretical studies combined with internships in laboratories and enterprises to provide students with a comprehensive training. It provides students with a comprehensive training through theoretical studies combined with internships in laboratories and companies, facilitating their rapid integration into the job market.

Free European Education Cloud Classes

EuropeanSchool: Free European Education Cloud Classroom is an online education platform that provides teaching and classroom learning from primary to secondary schools in Europe, all available online for free, helping students from all countries to learn the most innovative education.

EuropeanSchool mainly The school offers two models Future Classroom ScenariosInnovative and Practices for Engaging STEM Teaching. Interested teachers can browse through their innovative educational technology platform to see what kind of existence it really is.

The education environment abroad is not comparable to that in China, where endless educational platforms are emerging, and the education in China, on the contrary, is still advocating exam-based education as usual.

Interactive Children's Bookstore

Myplaytales:Interactive Myplaytales is a children's bookstore that provides an interactive e-book application platform for children. The books are mostly illustration style, can be easily interacted with, and each book will be a complete story.

Myplaytales encourages children through beautiful Myplaytales encourages children to explore and experiment through beautiful graphics and good interaction, and lets them learn something about nature in the process. In addition to learning about nature, it is also important to develop your child's imagination,

PlayTales offers illustration style interactive books that foster children's imagination and support third party development. Books, while there are also free books for download. Most of the books are illustration style, can be simple interactive, and each book will be a complete story.

Also each book is carefully designed in terms of tactile, visual, etc., and with different music. Some books also have game-like interactions, such as mazes, coloring, finding differences, searching for hidden shapes, matching, etc. PlayTales tries to achieve the goal of developing children's imagination through these carefully crafted storybooks.

PlayTales supports 7 languages including Chinese, and supports iOS, Android, Windows Phone platforms, and is developing a Flash web version. The application has been downloaded on various platforms for more than 1.8 million, with 350,000 unique visits per month, generating an average of 1.5 million "reads" per month.

L'Aquila College of Art

The Accademia di belle arti DI L'Aquila is a prestigious Italian art school, a member of the European Union's Socrates-Erasmus exchange program (Lifelong Learning Program), located in the city of L'Aquila, the capital of the province of L'Aquila in the region of Abruzzo. It is located in L'Aquila, the capital of L'Aquila province in the Abruzzo region. In addition to providing traditional fine arts courses, it also provides teaching of multimedia technology and related technical systems, and cooperates with the Mandarin Language School, one of the four official examination points of CILS CELS DILS DITALS in China, to carry out a matriculation program, recruiting a number of matriculants to the country every year, who will have the opportunity to enter the university directly after passing the examination.

Palmer University

The University of Parma, founded in 1064, is one of the oldest universities in Italy. The university has always provided high quality teaching hardware and software for students. The university now has a staff of nearly 2,000 and more than 30,000 students enrolled. The university has a library with a wide range of books, newspapers and magazines. The University of Parma is located in the Emilia Romagna region of Italy. The region is a well-developed industrial and agricultural area in northern Italy, with the agricultural economy ranking first in Italy and the industrial economy fourth in the country. Emilia Romagna is located in the middle of the link between northern and central Italy, is the convergence of the mainland part of Italy and the peninsula part, so from the point of view of transportation, is a veritable geographical stronghold.

University of Rome II

The Second University of Rome (Università degli Studi di ROMA "Tor Vergata"; Rome II University) is a famous Italian university, founded in 1982, located in the Lazio region, known for its perfect The main faculties include the Faculty of Economics, Law, Engineering, Arts and Philosophy, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Science. The main faculties include the School of Economics, the School of Law, the School of Engineering, the School of Arts and Philosophy, the School of Medicine, and the School of Science;

Bologna University

The University of Bologna (Università di Bologna) is a public university in Bologna, Italy, founded in 1088 and widely regarded as the oldest university in Europe, known as the "mother of universities" ( Alma mater studiorum). In the 2013 QS World University Rankings, the University of Bologna is ranked 188th overall in the world.

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