

L'Aquila College of Art

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brief introduction

The Accademia di belle arti DI L'Aquila is a prestigious Italian art school, a member of the European Union's Socrates-Erasmus exchange program (Lifelong Learning Program), located in the city of L'Aquila, the capital of the province of L'Aquila in the region of Abruzzo. It is located in L'Aquila, the capital of L'Aquila province in the Abruzzo region. In addition to providing traditional fine arts courses, it also provides teaching of multimedia technology and related technical systems, and cooperates with the Mandarin Language School, one of the four official examination points of CILS CELS DILS DITALS in China, to carry out a matriculation program, recruiting a number of matriculants to the country every year, who will have the opportunity to enter the university directly after passing the examination.

L'Aquila College of Art
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