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Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy

Founded in 1859, the Polytechnic University of Turin is the oldest scientific and technical university in Italy. 2011 World University Academic Ranking includes the top 75 engineering universities in the world and the first in Italy. Polytechnic University of Turin is ranked fifth in Europe in terms of science and technology. It is also home to the Fiat and Ferrari car design and manufacturing plants; it also has the General Motors Diesel Engine Research and Development Center. The Polytechnic University of Turin has an overwhelming advantage in the Italian polytechnical culture, being the promoter of industrial renewal, technology and social development in Italy for 150 years.

Rome University of Human Movement

The IUSM (Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie) is the only sports university in Italy, established in 1998 by Italian Constitution 178, dedicated to sports science research, offering mainly three-year undergraduate and two-year master's degree programs. It offers three years of undergraduate and two years of master's degree programs, the Erasmus European Exchange Program, and also cooperates with several international universities such as the University of Vienna.

Pietro Fanuzzi Academy of Fine Arts, Perugia

Accademia di belle artilegalmente riconosciuta "Pietro Vannucci" di PERUGIA) is an ancient Italian art academy founded in 1573 by the painter Orazio Alfani and the architect and mathematician Raffaele Sozzi, only 10 years after the first art school in Europe, which mainly offers three-year undergraduate and two-year master's degree programs, joining the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program. It joined the Socrates-Erasmus exchange program.

University of Tuscia

The University of Tuscia (Università degli Studi della Tuscia) is a well-known Italian national university founded in 1979, located in Viterbo, Lazio region, the main faculties are the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Cultural Heritage Protection, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, and so on. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs. The main departments are the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Cultural Heritage Preservation, the Faculty of Economics, and the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures;

Camerino University

The University of Camerino (Università degli Studi di Camerino) Italy's most innovative university, founded in 1336, has a long history of public universities since 1958, with faculties of architecture, pharmacy, law, medicine and technology. Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science and Technology.

University of Pisa

The University of Pisa was founded in 1343 as a comprehensive base for the training of university teachers and has a long history. Nowadays, the University of Pisa has become a modern research institution with integrated teaching and research. The University has 72 undergraduate and 76 postgraduate majors in various disciplines of modern science, and 11 doctoral majors in the university. The University of Pisa has 68 professional training programs and more than 100 short-term training programs, as well as MBA training programs. Teaching and research are closely intertwined in all areas.

Udine University

The University of Udine (Università degli Studi di Udine; English: University of Udine) is a prestigious Italian university founded in 1978, located in northeastern Udine, with faculties of agriculture, economics, pedagogy, engineering, modern languages, humanities, and science. College of Modern Languages, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ten faculties.

Frederick II University of Naples

Frederick II University of Naples (Italian: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II; English: University of Naples Federico II) is the oldest national university in the world, founded in The University of Naples Federico II is the oldest national university in the world, founded in 1224, located in Naples, currently has about 80,000 students.

Turin Academy of Fine Arts

The Accademia Di Belle Arti ALBERTINA DI (Turin Academy of Fine Arts) is a long-established Italian Academy of Fine Arts, founded in 1678 and existing for nearly three centuries. design, and new technologies.

Milano Bicocca University

Milan Bicocca University (Milan Bicocca University) Italy's leading comprehensive university, known as the "economic profession", founded in 1998, located in Lombardy, Milan, accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Education Bicocca University is a leading university in Italy, with its main faculties including the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Educational Sciences, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Faculty of Medicine, etc., offering bachelor, master and doctoral programs.

University of Genoa

The University of Genoa is a well-established public university in Italy, specializing in architecture, medicine, and law. The university was founded in 1471 and is located in the Liguria region of Italy. The University of Genoa offers 142 undergraduate and master's programs and 27 doctoral programs. The University has 11 faculties, including architecture, economics, engineering, etc., and offers various first and second degree programs. There are 1100 faculty members and 30,000 students.

Online Free Educational Video Resource Network

Twig World: Online Free Educational Video Resources is a website that provides free educational video resources for children, as long as the content of chemistry, biology, geography, mathematics, physics and other video resources to help students improve their interest in learning, through the video to show students the greatness of science.

The way of education is different in every country. Of course, advanced countries are using interactive education, that is, through video, live, hands-on, and other ways to interact with students to learn, not just through the textbook to carry out a single type of education, from kindergarten to elementary school, secondary school, university, different education methods to train different students, directly affect the way of thinking later and the ability to engage in social generation.

Twig World website provides a large number of video resources, which have been documented to educate and influence students' thinking, thinking and practice skills, so that learning has its own way of thinking, for example, why the earth has four seasons, textbooks only rigidly tell students that the earth has four seasons. For example, why the Earth has four seasons, textbooks only rigidly tell students that the Earth has four seasons; and using video education, students can understand very intuitively how the Earth's seasons are generated and how they operate, students will understand through their own thinking.

Twig is an award-winning online resource with thousands of tailor-made, short films that bring subjects to life .

Teach with Twig to:

1.Captivate your class

2. Ensure student understanding

3. Explore the world

4. Deliver outstanding lessons

An invaluable and inspiring online resource for teachers, Twig uses engagement Using world class film footage, images and written text, Twig offers real-world content to spark Using world class film footage, images and written text, Twig offers real-world content to spark enthusiasm in any classroom.

The Twig website provides teachers instant access to thousands of brilliant films The Twig website provides teachers with instant access to thousands of brilliant films and online resources to suit any teacher and any level of student; schools can and do use the Twig resource every single day to deliver outstanding teaching Download our film list to see the full range of film content.

Roman Youth Cultural Education Association

Scholas:Roman Youth The Association for Cultural Education is an educational entity initiated by Pope Francis of Rome to encourage social integration and the elimination of cultural differences in the areas of technology, art and sports. This education is focused on the values necessary for human beings and the human body, including the children's confrontation with different situations.

The Scholas Education Program has many universities It is based on a friendly competition between schools to promote the peaceful integration of children's education programs, allowing no student to experience the differences in cultures, with 60-70 children of different nationalities doing various activities together.

Socialized Academic Teaching Community

Flooved:Socialized Academic Teaching The community is a social educational application platform that provides authoritative educational materials for students and scholars around the world through social collaboration and open academic sharing, where users can find learning materials, past exams, academic reports, and resources for teachers' academic annotations on topics.

The Flooved platform was created two years ago by Nicolas Philippe and Hamish Brock. It was created by Nicolas Philippe and Hamish Brocklebank to provide the most authoritative knowledge for educational textbooks, to improve the authority and integrity of educational curriculum, and to allow users to annotate and record what they read on the platform.

Flooved is a social educational application that offers benefits to students, academics and publishers. Eventually, this intelligent app will turn into one of the best and most comprehensive libraries of academic textbooks online but, for the moment, it It provides all the study material needed for the modern day student with textbooks, past exam papers, theses and video content at your fingertips. But that's not the end of the story. It also enriches and adds to the learning experience by cross linking relevant topics by chapter and even adds a social side It also enriches and adds to the learning experience by cross linking relevant topics by chapter and even adds a social side by allowing both students and professorial types to annotate, add links and content and interact.Flooved provides a package of vetted academic textbooks, journals, lecture notes, past exam papers, theses and video content to students for a monthly subscription and then adds value to the content by building context into it by specifically cross linking relevant topics by This is done using a combination of statistical, semantic and ontological indexing engines with the most relevant content being pushed to the top of the list. Flooved is also social and allows all sides to add relevant new material to the underlying content that can be accessed by other users.& lt;/p>

Upgrade to the low-cost premium plan and access the premium text books which can cost a small fortune to purchase. For academics, it can help your students to study better without any extra work on your part. You can upload your own content and share it with your class or with You can upload your own content and share it with your class or with the whole world and all content is structured and curated to complement existing degree courses. Results can then be fully analyzed, using your own live dashboard, to Results can then be fully analyzed, using your own live dashboard, to understand just how students engage with your content.

It's been said that Flooved will become the best online It certainly deals with the issue of the poor and impoverished student having to buy It certainly deals with the issue of the poor and impoverished student having to buy expensive textbooks because the app offers a wealth of content and even the premium content comes at a low cost, But, to me, the best things about this easy to use app are its very useful cross references of But, to me, the best things about this easy to use app are its very useful cross references of relevant chapters option and it's social side which allows both students and academics to interact and add material. scientific information that is only going to get bigger.

EFA Production and Publishing Platform

PathWright:Education for All The production and distribution platform is a free or paid educational course that anyone can create and distribute to users. The platform provides simple and practical production tools that help educators and learners have a good communication and collaboration environment.

The PathWright platform provides a good The built-in social networking platform helps students exchange information and receive credit and feedback from teachers; users can create instructional lessons using video, audio, images, text, and more, and can add educational resources to YouTube, Scribd, and Vimeo.

With Pathwright you can create learning paths that take students, employees With Pathwright you can create learning paths that take students, employees, or anyone in the world to that next level of skill or knowledge.

about "fixing" education. While the tech world focuses on new technology as a panacea, it's easy to forget the core of what educators do that's so amazing: Educators create paths for others to follow, and they guide them along the way. It's an ancient and modern skill that requires ingenuity and tenacity - a craft in the truest sense of the word. New technology doesn't change this essence, but most technical solutions ignore it.

focuses first on helping all kinds of educators easily While you're at it, we want to help you make a living teaching what you love, as any craftsman should.

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