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VVVV|Real-time Video Synthesis Toolkit

" VVVV" is a toolkit for real-time video composition, providing a graphical programming language for easy prototyping and development, designed to make it easier to manipulate large media environments by means of physical interfaces, real-time video, audio and video that can interact with many users at the same time.

1. Use the spread to easily handle a large number of objects: vvvv can handle a large number of objects at once, whether they are graphics or data, without the user having to make a particularly significant effort to do so. There is no significant difference in the user interface between controlling a single instance of a graphical object with vvvv and 1000 instances, which we call "spreading".

We sometimes want to assign different values to each individual in a group of objects, and spreading is an abstraction of this behavior. Setting up a table is like distributing plates at a dinner table, where they have different positions. vvvv includes a number of spreading generators to make it easier to write complex behaviors for a large set of objects.

2. Using Boygroup's seamless multi-projector technology:

There are many applications that require the use of several PCs to achieve the desired number of output screens/projections, and controlling these PCs individually It's easy to mess things up by controlling these PCs individually. Instead, vvvv allows us to easily control any number of client computers from a single server using Boygrouping technology.

Boygroup allows us to easily build multi-screen systems or seamless multi-screen projections. It allows us to build rendering clusters where we can individually pick and choose which nodes to run on the server and which to run on the client. It allows us to control which data needs to be transferred over the network and which is more appropriate to be computationally derived on all the clients, a capability that allows us to manually optimize a setup without much magic.

3. 3D rendering based on DirectX:

vvvv's 3D engine is based on Microsoft's DirectX technology. DirectX is a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for high performance computing. By leveraging the power of modern graphics cards, DirectX allows vvvv's rendering performance to approach that of computer games.

DirectX terminology was maintained as much as possible when translating DirectX features into vvvv's graphics programming interface. This makes it easy for people familiar with DirectX programming to understand the substance underneath this veneer.

4. Loading 3D models:

Although vvvv has nodes for creating, calculating, or modifying geometric data, it should not be viewed as a 3D modeling tool. The proper way to get an existing object moving is to import a model with textures using DirectX's own .x format file, which is supported by almost all major 3-D modeling software. In addition to importing models,

vvvv provides standard geometry such as quadrilaterals, grids, cubes, spheres, and of course teapots.

5. Texturing of 3D models using dynamic graphics or images:

There is a large range of options for using textures in vvvv. In addition to traditional still images (such as bmp, targa, png, dds, etc.), vvvv can use image files, camera inputs, or flash movies as mapping for any 3D object. Even a part of the desktop can be used as a texture, and the texture can be generated in real time from any data in a patch.

6. Real-time shading programming:

vvvv's pixel and vertex shading allows users to accomplish more than the usual visual representation of a 3d appearance. Shaders allow you to run programs on the graphics card, and shaders make it clear how the graphics card resolves each 3d vertex sent to it, what calculations are loaded on it, and how the color of each pixel is derived.

7. Real-time physics simulation:

vvvv contains ODE by Russel Smith, a set of open-source, high-performance library functions that can be used to simulate rigid body dynamics (collision detection with friction). (collision detection with friction), ODE is useful in simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, virtual organisms, and many other applications.

8. Real-time video analysis:

The video analysis node is implemented through the freeframe plugin system, so it can be developed independently from vvvv. Some nodes have been implemented with a number of different tracking techniques. Such as: contour capture, color capture, motion detection, etc.. If this is not enough, you can always develop custom freeframe plugins.

9. Audio features:

vvvv's sound engine is based on Microsoft's DirectShow technology and is capable of playing most formats of audio files as well as doing simple mixing of multiple audio files (as long as these files are The vvvv sound engine is based on Microsoft's DirectShow technology and is capable of playing most formats of audio files as well as simple mixing of multiple audio files (as long as they are playable in Windows Mediaplayer).

All input devices with WDM drivers (also called multichannel devices) can work with vvvv. A very interesting thing for many people is to analyze the input sound, there are several ways to get the volume of each channel or through the FFT (Fourier Transformation) algorithm to get the volume of different frequencies.

10. The ability to interact with a wide variety of external devices and protocols:

vvvv has the ability to control a wide variety of third party devices such as DVD players, industrial interfaces (for lighting and electrical), touch screens, gaming devices, turntables, positioning and directional sensors, MIDI devices, DMX interfaces, serial interfaces, keyboards, and mice.

In addition to the underlying protocols such as TCP, UDP and RS232 for communication with other computers or software, the high level nodes allow communication via MIDI, DMX, ArNet, OSC, HTTP and IRC.

VVVV is a hybrid graphical and text programming language environment for easy prototyping and development, designed to facilitate the handling of large multimedia environments and physical interfaces more easily. This includes real-time motion graphics, audio and video capabilities that can interact with many users simultaneously. It features real time, many other languages with many different modes of programming and operation, and can be used for non-commercial applications at no cost.

vvvv is suitable for many contexts, including common computer-related media such as audio, video, 3D animation, the Internet, and so on, just to name a few particularly popular ones. In addition to creating and converting for these media, vvvv is also easy to develop the ability to accept a variety of inputs and generate outputs for a variety of external devices.

Online Black and White Photo to Color Tool - ColouriseSG

"ColouriseSG" is It uses 500,000 old photos as the basis for deep learning techniques to train neural networks, allowing the machine to automatically determine each part of a black and white photo and colorize it appropriately, giving a new look to these old photos from 40, 50 years ago or even earlier.

"ColouriseSG" was developed by GovTech Singapore, the technology arm of Singapore, hacked earlier this year to build a set of color tools, ColouriseSG builds a model that uses old photos from the National Archives of Singapore, the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress for training, which contains two neural networks: color generators and picture recognition, a training process that uses more than 500,000 old The training process uses more than 500,000 old photographs.

Online Facebook Video Download Tool

MyDownDown is a program that opens The tool automatically resolves the real address of the video source and quickly realizes the video download to local.

Usage: Open the website and enter the video URL URL and paste it into the input box, click the Get Hard Disk Link button, when the video content is displayed, you can click the [HD Video Download] button, the website supports traditional Chinese, there will not be any problem in using it.

Ted2srt|Online TED Talk Subtitle Download Tool

Ted2srt is a free open source TED talk subtitle download tool, users can enter the video URL on the TED website to get multi-language version of the subtitles, for TED many users will not be unfamiliar, but for users who want to watch the video, language is the barrier, with this tool, users can easily appreciate the video on TED.

TED:elite speaker video publishing platform is A website for releasing talks. The speakers have a variety of professional backgrounds, and the content of their speeches is all-encompassing, while the target audience is the general public. Here, experts in various fields present their research to everyone in layman's terms and with graphic descriptions. The lectures are in English, but many of them also have Chinese subtitles, which is very convenient for everyone.

HTML5 Visualization Mobile Design Tool

Maqetta:HTML5 visualization mobile design tool is an open source project released by the Dojo Foundation that provides WYSIWYG HTML5 user interface visualization authoring tools directly on the website It does not need to install other plug-ins, and because it is open source, you can download the source code and deploy it on your own server.

Based on browser RSS subscription management extension

Feeder is a cross-platform RSS subscription management tool that supports Google Chrome, mobile, and online versions, allowing users to conveniently manage and view the latest articles on different websites and keep an eye on their favorite News and information.

Free HTML5 version of the image editing tool

Free Open Source PDF Data Extraction Tool

Tabula:Free Open Source PDF Data Extraction Tool is a free and open source tool that helps users to solve the problem of extracting data tables from PDF files. System, as long as you download and install it you can extract the data in the PDF file through your browser, and then save it as CSV format to use it.

Many times we get the text in PDF format, but PDF files have a lot of restrictions, for example, you can not think of editing word documents like copy text, edit data tables, can not be extracted and other issues, now Tabula can help you extract the data tables in PDF files, and save as CSV format, so you can easily get the data for Now Tabula can help you extract data tables in PDF files and save them in CSV format, so you can easily obtain the data for secondary use.

As for the installation problem, you can check the introduction on the website, if you have Windows system, you need to install JAVA control to use it properly.

Android application tool for windows

BlueStacks: Android application tool for windows is an Android application environment platform that can run on windows system, just install the software to run all Android software on window system computer.

In today's smart phone and tablet computer are popular, more and more people have transferred the entertainment application on the traditional computer to the new smart device above. For many users of Android phones and tablets, the richness of the applications and the excellent entertainment performance make them enjoyable. With the birth of Android classic games, a number of representative classic games began to become the entertainment activities that people enjoy after dinner.

Despite this, the small screen, short battery life and low performance of cell phones make them still unable to compete with traditional computers. So many people want to be able to get the classic games on the phone to play on the computer, in addition to the general method of installing development tools, there is no easy way to do it, as simple as installing games.fact, this kind of software already has, this is BlueStacks!

Online AI File Format Conversion Tool

"Ai viewer" is a freeAI files can be previewedwithout Adobe Illustratorinstalled, and it also supports online format conversion, so users can upload ai files to jpg, gif, png, bmp, tiff formats

after the dropout for .ai file is illustrator software (in advertising, printing and packaging software) produced by the vector file, and the advantage of vector graphics is How to enlarge the image will not produce mosaic phenomenon, that is, will not be false. Therefore, .ai files will not produce mosaic in the case of image enlargement. It is the same product of Adobe as Photoshop. Similar to the AI format, there are also formats based on vector output such as EPS, WMF, CDR, PLT, PDF, etc.

"Ai viewer" software is less than 9MB, similar to the general picture viewing software, small and powerful, its functions include rotating the .ai file, adjusting the length and width, and directly save the file as .ai after the adjustment.

Online Resume Design Print Tool

"Resume Maker Online" is a tool that allows you to design your English resume online in real time through a browser and supports downloading and printing to PDF. 100% free to use without registration, very suitable for users who need a resume for a job abroad.

Mobile website testing service platform

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Free online teleconferencing application

Uberconference: Free online teleconferencing application helps users to solve the problem of no dial-in, no manual keying of conference room password, no introduction of their name to speak, and support for conference personnel to implement visual conferencing over the phone.

Based on Chromium browser authoring platform

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Free USB system boot disk authoring tool

Rufus is a green version of the foreign USB boot disk making tool, can help users quickly make USB system boot disk, support windows and Linux system, can perfectly solve all kinds of windows system installation problems, the software is free open source, has green and small and support Chinese and other characteristics.

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