

Online Black and White Photo to Color Tool - ColouriseSG

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brief introduction

"ColouriseSG" is It uses 500,000 old photos as the basis for deep learning techniques to train neural networks, allowing the machine to automatically determine each part of a black and white photo and colorize it appropriately, giving a new look to these old photos from 40, 50 years ago or even earlier.

"ColouriseSG" was developed by GovTech Singapore, the technology arm of Singapore, hacked earlier this year to build a set of color tools, ColouriseSG builds a model that uses old photos from the National Archives of Singapore, the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress for training, which contains two neural networks: color generators and picture recognition, a training process that uses more than 500,000 old The training process uses more than 500,000 old photographs.

Online Black and White Photo to Color Tool - ColouriseSG
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