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Korea EcplaZa e-commerce B2B platform

EcplaZa Korea E-Commerce B2B platform is one of the world's most prestigious business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce trade sites, founded in 1990 by KTNET under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Korea, engaged in providing trade-related EDI (electronic data interchange system) and business information technology services, is one of the world's most successful B2B companies.

Ecplaza, as a globally recognized Ecplaza is a global e-commerce site with 1 million registered members from 220 countries (regions), a daily visit rate of 1 million, more than 2,000 new supply and demand messages, and 517,600 active buyers from around the world. To the world's manufacturers and exporters to provide Internet-based trade solutions and services to help these companies to carry out more convenient and cost-effective trade activities than traditional trade methods.

Ecplaza uses the integration of online and offline resources, online e-commerce tools and offline business means to provide information communication and trade transaction services for global buyers and sellers. To this end, Ecplaza has organized experienced professionals who have been engaged in international trade for many years to establish buyer agents (buyer agent) in the United States, Japan, Europe, and South America to provide offline trade brokering and transaction support. At present, we have set up representative offices in 45 countries, including Korea, China, the United States, Japan, Chile, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

Ecplaza currently has seven major sites in English, Japanese, Korean and Chinese languages: Global, Korea, USA, Japan, China, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates. With good background, leading technology and excellent service, Ecplaza has become a famous e-commerce website in the world, and has become the preferred website for global businessmen to trade online, and has been rated as "one of the most popular B2B websites" by businessmen. Ecplaza has received a lot of attention from people from all walks of life for its outstanding achievements. The U.S. Department of Commerce, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Federation of British SMEs and other government and private organizations have recommended Ecplaza to local enterprises

ECPlaza has the world's largest database of buyers, amounting to 2 million, covering 220 countries and regions worldwide, and is the world's only one ECPlaza is the world's only B2B platform that opens access to buyers for VIP customers and one of the world's most extensive online marketplaces. Covering 220 countries and regions worldwide, we have set up buyer support centers (buyer agents) in 45 countries, including Korea, China, the United States, Japan, Chile, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, responsible for contacting local buyers and continuously growing the buyer community.

UK Global Trade B2B Platform

TradeDirectory: The UK Global Trade B2B platform is the UK's leading corporate trade directory database, providing a global corporate business promotion platform, offering completely free access to corporate B2B directories and product libraries, providing trade information and displaying manufacturers, wholesalers, international supply procurement information, import and export information, etc.

TradeDirectory is a global business-to-business marketplace providing absolutely free of charge B2B directory, trade leads and consultancy services to manufacturers,

TradeDirectory is a global business-to-business marketplace providing absolutely free of charge B2B directory, trade leads and consultancy services to manufacturers, wholesalers, suppliers, buyers, importers and exporters.

As the economic uncertainties have taken hold all As the economic uncertainties have taken hold all over the world, there was a dire need for an authentic global business-to-business marketplace. For the past few years, many such platforms have been launched periodically, but not all of them have achieved the desired level of success due to many reasons including the hefty fees, which these platforms charge their members. Sales professionals and business owners are constantly under cost constraints to pick the right trade leads at the right time in Such a gloomy and stagnant economic environment.

TradeDirectory provides personalised and tailor-made Furthermore, Traders can build their own business networks by utilising the rich database of manufacturers, suppliers, exporters and importers freely available at TradeDirectory.

GermanyGermanyBusinessHub International Trade B2B Website

Germany GermanyBusinessHub International Trade B2B website is a B2B portal that provides a simpler way to exchange export and import trade, allowing you to increase your earnings, explore new markets and improve your international business. The site has a 14-year history of success. Com is a website for exporters and importers, providing a simpler way for you to increase your earnings, develop new markets and improve your international business; GermanyBusinessHub.Com is a B2B portal for exporters & importers to explore new markets and increase their international business in a Numerous businesses have benefited from our services over the past 14 years.

GermanyBusinessHub.Com is one of the 114 trade portals, all of which are owned and operated by Wyzen Systems Pvt. Ltd, (see company information) a company Com is one of the 114 trade portals, all of which are owned and operated by Wyzen Systems Pvt. Ltd, (see company information) a company founded in 1997 and based in New Delhi, India. Click here to join and explore new business opportunities.

GermanyBusinessHub Statistics:

1. 552,586 companies from 240 countries;

3. 150,896 registered buyers;

4. 285,330 products across 1,838 categories;

5. Network of 114 trade portals.

International Free Business Directory

Yalwa: International Free Business Directory Yalwa: International Free Business Directory is a free business directory that provides information distribution services for businesses with clients from almost every industry in all major cities. In Yalwa's free business listings you will find businesses in your area.

On the Yalwa platform you can find businesses near you by country and can quickly The platform covers a wide range of industries such as real estate, corporate, building materials, and light industry, with detailed categories.

Yalwa operates local Internet applications in 40 countries around the globe. Directory, we currently also operate Locanto, a local free classifieds site that is also brought to you in 5 languages, and askalo - a local Q& A community on which you can ask a local and discover your city.

Yalwa is a worldwide business directory in which The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, covering over 1600 cities and 5 major languages.

Germany sale2b free tailgate foreign trade exchange platform

Germany sale2b free tailgate foreign trade Exchange platform is a foreign trade website that provides goods tailing processing, you can check the data of more than 160,000 products, free registration can register products, release all kinds of goods; daily transaction prices will be updated in bulk, convenient for users to check.

B2B Handelsportal fuer Restposten vom Großhandel. Finden Sie über 160.000 B2B Großhändler Angebote wie: Restposten, Importartikel, Aktionswaren, Sonderposten uvm. vom Großhandel, Einzelhandel und Importeur.

International Catalog B2B Foreign Trade Search Platform

KellySearch:International Catalog Founded by Reed Elsevier Group, Kellysearch is a catalog on line project that aims to place company brochures and product manuals of global companies directly on the website for global buyers to find and browse.

UK-based Reed Elsevier Reed Elsevier is the world's largest commercial exhibition company, arranging 460 exhibitions throughout the year, covering 52 different industries, with 90,000 exhibitors and more than 5.5 million buyers each year, including building materials, electronics, telecommunications, technology, publishing and printing, sports, housewares and other industries. Reed is also the world's largest publisher of B2B magazines and publications, publishing more than 10,000 magazines and publications in various industries each year.

In Europe and the United States, Kellysearch enjoys a high status in the industrial and commercial industry, the home page has a simple entrance and search bar similar to Google. The direct search results are product catalog links, including the number of matching suppliers.

Kellysearch has come a long, long way in the last 200 years. But from our earliest beginnings as the Kelly's business directory, we've managed to successfully evolve and change to remain focussed on what matters the most - delivering the right results for Kellysearch users.

For many millions of businesses the world over, Kellysearch is the only search engine for finding exactly what's needed exactly when it's needed. users are searching for products, or services, or searching for a market for their products and services, Kellysearch delivers the results that help Whether our users are searching for products, or services, or searching for a market for their products and services, Kellysearch delivers the results that help improve business.

That's a big claim. We have access to and partnerships with every corner of the Reed Business Publishing Group - making Kellysearch one of the largest business search engine resources in the world. and partnerships with every corner of the Reed Business Information empire and we maximize those opportunities daily as we attract millions of users to Kellysearch and make millions of data entries available to those visitors.

Although it's not just 'big' that We know how to keep things simple too. Our success and popularity rely on our ability to deliver results quickly and easily. Kellysearch search engine is breathtakingly big and jaw-droppingly powerful, but so what - who cares? So while technology is vitally important to us, it's the user experience that's important to you. We know that. Kellysearch is clean, simple, easy, fast... and we have a worldwide team of dedicated professionals (yes - real people!) to help understand your needs and deliver against them. In business, it doesn't get much better than that. gt;

German Market Search Marketplace is a website for the German domestic product market for foreign trade product search, with German-speaking countries (mainly Switzerland, Germany, Austria) as the main market search tool.

With this search engine you can search not only for German The user can search by company, product, enterprise and other information, because these two countries also have a large part of the population is using the German language to communicate.

German B2B commercial product database platform B2B business product database platform is the largest foreign trade product search website in Germany, providing more than 4 million enterprise data and product category directory, where you can easily find new customers and partners.

AbcOnline was founded With a history of over 60 years, AbcOnline has good technology and a huge business database platform to help foreign trade enterprises around the world to find suitable partners quickly and provide trade turnover./p> ist Deutschlands größte B2B-Lieferantendatenbank für den Mittelstand.

& amp;lt;p> Mit mehr als 4 Mio. Unternehmen aller Branchen und einer detaillierten und modernen Produktklassifikation. Hier finden Sie einfach Vor allem aber: Hier kann Ihr Unternehmen garantiert gefunden werden. Denn wir sorgen dafür, dass es beider Suche stets ganz oben steht.

Sechs Jahrzehnte Know-how zahlen sich aus. auf einen Blick:- Deutschlands größte B2B-Lieferantendatenbank für den Mittelstand<

- Schnelle, einfache Suche nach Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Namen

- Immer gefunden werdendank Toptrefferliste und Suchmaschinenoptimierung<
Germany Local Business Search Engine

WLW.DE:German Local Business is DE:German Local Business is a foreign trade business product information search tool. By entering keywords and product names or company names, you can easily find the contact information of many German manufacturers, and the information is very detailed.

However, it should be noted that there is a certain limit to the search volume. The search volume is limited, that is, when too many people are using it to search or when your IP address is searched too many times, you may be restricted from accessing it, and it will take some time to recover after being restricted.

Germany Find2Trade foreign trade B2B exchange platform

Germany Find2Trade Foreign Trade B2B exchange platform for large, medium and small enterprises and companies from all countries to provide foreign trade sources exchange portal, the site mainly from the Middle East, Europe and Asia, the basic service is free, you can subscribe and purchase more advanced payment services.

B2B portal for small, medium and large companies containing companies and trade leads mainly from middle-east Europe and from Asia. You can subscribe free and buy moreadvanced paid service. shall have a right to limit the access to some services for non-registered users or users who use the services for free.Electronical information exchange is a motor behind the A great development of the internet already results not only in the change of the basic business processes and their A great development of the internet already results not only in the change of the basic business processes and their acceleration but also influences the process of shaping of the demand for completely new products and services and generates a need for completely new methods of customer support. The access to the world information resources is now accessible by everyone. The resulting reduction of costs, of the reaction time and full personalization of customer support results in the development of positive business relations. The resulting reduction of costs, of the reaction time and full personalization of customer support results in the development of positive business relations.24 hours per day. is an internet portal whose main goal is to help small and medium enterprises to is an internet portal whose main goal is to help small and medium enterprises to reach much higher profits while reducing costs by publishing information about their offer in our portal. unites an electronic catalog of companies and trade leads. Each company can publish both information about their activity, contact data, and also information about products or services offered or sought, or expectations from a potential cooperation. Users of our portal have a full access to all information allowing them to establish a business contact and exchanginginformation with a potential partner is very easy.

Africa's leading business and travel site.
India Market
India Mart, India's online B2B marketplace, business directory, supply and demand information.
Indian Exporter
Comprehensive B2B online marketplace for Indian exporters, importers, manufacturers, suppliers directory.
Alibaba USA

As part of the Alibaba Group, their mission is to make it easy for you to do business anywhere. They do this by providing suppliers with the necessary tools to meet the global audience for their products and helping buyers find products and suppliers quickly and efficiently.


BaganMart is Myanmar's B2B e-commerce platform, which is a marketplace for buyers and sellers looking for trading opportunities and promotions.

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