

International Free Business Directory

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brief introduction

Yalwa: International Free Business Directory Yalwa: International Free Business Directory is a free business directory that provides information distribution services for businesses with clients from almost every industry in all major cities. In Yalwa's free business listings you will find businesses in your area.

On the Yalwa platform you can find businesses near you by country and can quickly The platform covers a wide range of industries such as real estate, corporate, building materials, and light industry, with detailed categories.

Yalwa operates local Internet applications in 40 countries around the globe. Directory, we currently also operate Locanto, a local free classifieds site that is also brought to you in 5 languages, and askalo - a local Q& A community on which you can ask a local and discover your city.

Yalwa is a worldwide business directory in which The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, The Yalwa Business Directory is available in 38 countries worldwide, covering over 1600 cities and 5 major languages.

International Free Business Directory
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