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RssSearchHub|Online RSS subscription feed search engine

Rss Search Hub It supports RSS, RDF, and ATom news feed search in three different formats, making it easier for users who like to subscribe using RSS to find the readable content they want.

RSS (Simple Syndication) is a message RSS files (also known as digests, web summaries, or frequency updates, provided to a channel) contain full-text or excerpted text, plus web digest data and authorized metadata subscribed to by the publisher.

Really Simple Syndication" aggregation is really simple" is the original English meaning of RSS. The term RSS sometimes broadly means social bookmarking, and includes various RSS formats. For example, Blogspace has labeled the use of webpages in an integrator as RSS info and RSS reader. Although its first sentence contains the explicit Atom format: "RSS and Atom files can update messages from websites to your computer in a simple format! "

RSS feeds can be accessed through an RSS reader, feed RSS feeds can be read by RSS readers, feed readers, or aggregators on web pages or desktop-based software. The standard XML file format allows information to be read through different programs after a single posting. The RSS reader periodically checks for updates and then downloads them to the monitoring user interface.

Online Movie and TV Search Engine

WheretoWatch:Online Movies and TV is a search engine for movies, TV shows, behind-the-scenes shoots, and trailer content. It's a simple way to find your favorite movies and TV shows, and provides relevant theater information, and all information reports related to movies based on your geographic location.

The WheretoWatch service is currently It can also be described as a one-stop movie and TV search engine where viewers can find their favorite creative video resources and search for movies and TV shows with comprehensive information immediately, such as movie theater showtimes, movie shooting footage, online streaming, trailers, end credits, etc. The service is currently available in the US only.

Best Movie Search Engine

YourNextFilm:Best Film is a search engine site that helps users find their favorite movies by filtering them by keywords, genres, styles, actors, and other categories.

Films and TV shows However, finding your next favourite film and show can be difficult using keywords, genres or actors. There is a certain chemistry to each film/show which is not quantifiable, definable or classifiable. The way films are currently classified by title, actors/actresses, genre etc. does not always help you find your next film. At YourNextFilm we believe the YourNextFilm community At YourNextFilm we believe the YourNextFilm community summarise the connections between films and TV shows uniquely. discover new films and shows.

The team behind YourNextFilm started our sister website YourNextRead due to the frustration and time taken to find As we perfected YourNextRead our film loving friends begged us to make YourNextFilm. finding your next read there are plentiful online reviews and film specific social networks which provide some guidance. However, actually understanding and interpreting will this film be right for me is still difficult and largely guess work. discovering YourNextFilm with our map of films.

Law Firm Network

Lawyer Locate Inc. is a Canadian website dedicated to providing legal advice services, cell phone information on different areas of law firms, users can search through the site to find the information they need about law firms and lawyers, and also to obtain links to related legal advice.

True Local

True Local is Canada's free local information search site, featuring local information on brands, services, and businesses, including dental offices, pizza stores, car dealerships, convenience stores, and more.

Alfa Image Search Engine

AlphaCoders:Alpha The picture is a rich content search engine that provides desktop wallpaper, art pictures, GIF animation, photography, movie posters, games, American drama, etc. Of course, there is more searchable content, you need to experience it yourself.

For this search engine need to focus on the following Wallpaper search, you can search through the keywords to want the wallpaper, all the wallpaper to provide a variety of resolutions, of course, if you do not want the resolution of the words, but also their own cropping, the search engine built-in picture cropping tool can easily help you to cut into the desired resolution.

Social Social Search Engine

Wajam:Social Social is a Integrates its social search tools into the search pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other major search engines, indexing status updates from all social networks and links shared by your friends on Twitter, Facebook and Google+.

Wajam indexes your friends' status updates while At the same time, it also uses crawler technology to crawl and index other sites they link to, and then uses its own ranking algorithm, RageRank-link, to display the updated search results next to your regular search results.

Kijiji Canada

Kijiji is a famous Canadian classifieds website, launched in 2005, is one of the most visited websites in Canada, now as a brand of ebay. Kijiji

Similar Image Search Engine

is an image search site that searchesThe search is very fast, mainly based on color and shape similarities.

Incogna is an engine dedicated to Incogna uses highly parallelized processors to process each image shape, using them to build a massive searchable visual index./p>

While it is certainly not feasible to process with the scale of a typical desktop processor, Incogna's image technology allows you to explore image data in a whole new way when processed using processor parallelism.

The site is easy to use, you can click on the image on the page and Incogna will quickly find Of course you can also go to the keyword search./p>

University of Toronto Libraries

The University of Toronto Libraries is the largest library in Canada, with a collection of nearly 10 million books.<

Google Canada
Google search engine Canada site, web, image, news search, support personalized search and local search, provide forum, mailbox, calendar service and desktop search tools.
Yahoo! Canada-Search
The international portal Yahoo!
Canada's only nationwide local online business search engine, directory.
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