

Free Icon Material Search Engine

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brief introduction

MrIcons:Free Icon Material is A quick search for free downloadable material engine tools, its icon resources are extremely rich, with 120,000 icons, can be filtered by keywords, and finally get the download address of the material.

Mr. Icons does not have a filter for search results. Icons does not have a filtering function for search results, and may find this unnecessary. The only thing that can be changed is the way the results page is displayed, by clicking the button to the right of "icons per page".

On top of each result, you can directly see the format the icon has, generally, an icon has png and ico format, the former is suitable for all systems, especially linux, while the latter can be used on windows. Click on these two links to download.

Click the info link in the upper right corner of each icon, you can see the designer's website link, the resolution of the icon, and click the link after "Icon set:" to download all the icons designed by the designer in this style. Click the link after "Icon set:" to download all the icons of this style designed by the designer.

Free Icon Material Search Engine
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