

Official website of the Musée Rodin, France

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brief introduction

Musee-RoDin: The Musee-Rodin is one of the most famous museums in Paris, founded in 1919; it is a museum for the personal works of the famous sculptor Auguste Rodin, with other exhibits such as drawings and watercolors.

Rodin was the greatest realist sculptor of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Rodin was the greatest realist sculptor of the 19th and early 20th centuries, and his place in the history of European sculpture is like that of the poet Dante. Rodin lived and worked here from 1908 onwards. Before his death, he donated all the works he had collected and created to France, which transformed the mansion into the Rodin Museum.

The Rodin Museum is similar to a small castle, most of Rodin's famous statues are displayed in the garden, there are about a hundred of them, all over the garden, scattered everywhere, waiting for the visit of those who know, including "The Thinker", "Hugo", "Kissing", "Eve on the Rock" and other works of Rodin from various periods. In addition, there are drawings and watercolors, second only to the Paris Museum of Fine Arts. The interior works are also worthy of a closer look, as you can enjoy the famous paintings by Renoir, Monet, Van Gogh and others collected by Rodin.

Official website of the Musée Rodin, France
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