

Laposte Post Group, France

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brief introduction

is Europe's leading postal services group, founded Founded in 1991 as the General Post Office of the French Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, the company's three main activities are correspondence, parcels and logistics, and finance, with 200 subsidiaries, 306,371 employees and 17,000 delivery points worldwide.

France Post is actively improving the quality and speed of its services in order to adapt to the different needs of its customers. In order to be able to adapt to the needs of different customers for efficiency and security, especially in the current electronic data sector. By expanding its business to other countries, France Post has become a modern, dynamic, innovative and pioneering French company.

The French postal service has changed its traditional practice of flexibly adjusting its opening hours according to the different needs of different regions and different postal habits. At present, the French postal service hours do not have a uniform schedule, some extend the business hours on weekends, some extend the hours during the market. The user-centered postal network and flexible and diversified services meet the needs of different users and make the postal services a household name and a popular one.

Laposte Post Group, France
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