

current location:Country > Europe > France > Military >
French Foreign Legion

The French Foreign Legion (Légion Étrangère) is one of the world's top ten employment organizations, established in 1831 as a regular French force, which participated in the Franco-Prussian War, the two World Wars, the French-Vietnamese War and many other wars. The French Foreign Legion mainly recruits foreigners who can apply for French nationality or obtain residency after five years of service in the Legion.

St. Cyril's Military Academy

The École Spéciale Militaire de Saint-Cyr is a world-renowned military school located in Saint-Cyr, France, founded by Napoleon in 1802. The school's famous alumni include Charles de Gaulle, Tassigny and Liao Yaoxiang.

Nexter France

Nexter Systems (formerly GIAT Industrial Group) is a leading French arms manufacturer based in Roanne. nexter Systems products include firearms, tanks, armored vehicles, ammunition, etc.

France DCNS Group

DCNS Group (DCNS S.A.) is a leading French shipbuilding company with a history dating back to 1631, headquartered in Paris, and is a major French defense supplier of warships, submarines, etc.

Paris Air Show

Paris-Le Bourget International Air Show (French: Salon International de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, Paris-Le Bourget; English: The It is the oldest and largest air show in the world, held every two years (odd years), mainly showcasing military and civilian aircraft.

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