

France Over-Blog blogging platform official website

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brief introduction

France Over-Blog Blog Platform The official website is a blogging platform that offers a wide range of services for all Internet users, allowing you to aggregate your content posted on major social media platforms into a blog in real time.

OverBlog is Europe's leading blogging OverBlog is Europe's leading blogging platform with 3 million registered users and 34 million unique visitors. It took 18 months to completely revamp the blogging platform, and now it has a new face to meet American users.

In addition to providing traditional blogging features, it also provides real-time aggregation of your content posted on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, , YouTube, Fousquare and other social media platforms into your OverBlog blog. The information you usually scattered in other places to the same place, so your personal blog will become your personal magazine.

OverBlog also offers analytics tools, built-in revenue generation tools, support for multiple users or multiple blogs, cross-platform optimization (mobile, tablet, TV, etc.) through responsive design, and more. These are quite good, but the most anticipated to be released soon "live video" function.

OverBlog will launch an iPhone app that allows you to use your phone to do live video streaming directly to your blog without the help of a third-party live video plugin. After launching the OverBlog app on your phone, you only need to click a button and your blog will automatically create a new post page with live video. In addition, it will also post your live video link to Twitter and Facebook at the same time. After the live video is finally finished, the video file will be uploaded to YouTube.

France Over-Blog blogging platform official website
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