

Business Career Social Network

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brief introduction

Viadeo:Business Careers Social Network is A feature to find relevant job candidates, industry experts and business partners. Registered users can also maintain a list of contact information for business partners they know and trust.

Viadeo was created by Dan Serfaty, a graduate of the HEC in Paris. HEC graduate Dan Serfaty and his partner Thierry Lunati founded in 2004, as early as January 2007 received AGF Private Equity and Ventech 5 million euros investment, becoming the largest rival of the U.S. professional social LinkedIn.

Viadeo's business in China is run by Sky, which according to Sky officials is currently the largest professional social network in China, with over 10 million users. The total number of Viadeo users is 45 million, so the Chinese market accounts for nearly 1/4 of its share;

Business Career Social Network
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