

Julie de Waroquier Conceptual Photography Website, France

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brief introduction

France Julie de Waroquier Conceptual Photography is the personal website of French photographer Julie de Waroquier, whose work is usually a combination of fantasy, surrealism and conceptualism, trying to create photos that remind me of fairy tales and dreams, even though they don't exist in the world.

Julie de Waroquier Enjoying the paradox of the art of photography, copying reality, creation and invention, photography becomes fascinating, like a window to recreate reality. She prefers to show a photograph, digging in the silence for dreamy symbols and words.

Julie de Waroquier, a French national, is 21 years old and a student of photography. She describes her work as a fusion of fantasy, surrealism and conceptual photography. She tries to create a dreamy fairy tale image world. Julie prefers to show a surreal image than a photographic reproduction of the real world.

Julie de Waroquier Conceptual Photography Website, France
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