

Free image cloud storage platform

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brief introduction

Currently the Internet is about cloud storage platform More and more, not only can store pictures, video, audio, etc., where the media media can be spread can be saved to the cloud storage platform, but no matter what kind of storage, can not guarantee the speed of the words, then what can not be talked about.

Photry: Free Image Cloud Storage Platform is a free image space based on cloud storage, providing 1G of free space to ensure that your images will not be lost; convenient and fast uploading and downloading speed.

Photry cloud storage in addition to the free 1G space, but also supports paid space, the following is the price list, the cheapest is 10G space per month 2.99 U.S. dollars.

For individuals only basically can not use the paid version of the Storage space, except for business users or photography enthusiasts, we are certainly looking for free, high-speed space to use.

Free image cloud storage platform
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