

current location:Country > Europe > France > Government >
French Ministry of the Interior
The French Ministry of the Interior (Ministre de l'Intérieur) is one of the main departments of the French government cabinet, headquartered in the Place de Beauvoir, opposite the Palais de l'Elysée. It is responsible for: the issuance of identity documents and driver's licenses; the liaison between the central and local governments; the logistics and organization of political elections, both national and provincial; the management of immigration and the fight against illegal immigration; the integration of legal immigrants, etc.
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs website
Official website of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
French Presidency
Official website of La Présidence de la République (the French Presidency).
French Ministry of Education
Official website of the French Ministry of Education.
Paris City Council website
All information about Paris, including current events, education, health, culture, environment, museums, city hall, etc.
French Ministry of Defense
Official website of the French Ministry of Defense.
French Public Service Network
French Public Service Network.
France at your side
The French Consulate network in China, providing information about going to France, French relations, France in general.
Office of the Prime Minister of France
Official website of the French Prime Minister's Office.
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the French Republic
Including introduction to the embassy, spokesman, consular affairs, study in France, Sino-French exchanges, institutions in France, economic and trade exchanges, etc.
French Ministry of Culture and Communication
Official website of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.
French Senate
Includes information on the organization of the Senate, the role of Senators, meeting schedules, and procedural information.
Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Strasbourg
with the latest news, exchanges and cooperation, consular information, about the consulate, European institutions, consular services, about France, impressions of the consulate, media reaction, etc
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the French Republic
Contains economic and trade dynamics, market information, France profile, policies and regulations, market research, enterprise directory.
French Patent Office
The official website of the French Patent Office.
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