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Paris Institute of Comprehensive and Reasonable Engineering

Paris Polytechnic Institute (French: école Polytechnique), founded in 1794, was founded as the Central School of Public Works, the most outstanding engineering school in France, the school's motto was set by Napoleon, internationally renowned, has trained many scientists, politicians, military leaders and entrepreneurs. Since 1970, Groupe Polytechnique Paris has ceased to be a military school, but it is still part of the Ministry of Defense. It is ranked 41 in QS 2013, 70 in THE 2013-2014, 57 in engineering and technology, and 38 in physics.

Women's Comprehensive School

Ecole Polytechnique Feminine (EPF; Ecole Polytechnique Feminine) was the first private university in France to train female engineers, founded by Marie-Louise in Paris in 1925, and can award the Engineer's Diploma recognized by the National and French Engineering Qualification Commission. It has undergraduate, master's and language centers with specializations in engineering, science, economics, management and medicine. The program is based on engineering, science, economics, management and medicine;

Journalist Training Center

Centre de formation des journalistes (CFJ; full name: Centre de formation des journalistes) is a prestigious French journalism school, two years, located in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, founded by historian Pierre Miguel in 1978; in 1993, it became a state-recognized institution of higher education; in 2004, it became a national institution of higher education. In 1993, it became a nationally recognized institution of higher education; in 2004, its diploma in journalism was awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

International Business Sales Institute, Paris

Institut international de commerce et de distribution de Paris (ICD; full name: Institut international de commerce et de distribution de Paris) is a prestigious French business school created in 1980 and is part of the IGS Group, France's first not-for-profit higher education institution. ICD is the first private institution of higher education in France, the GroupeInstitut de Gestion Sociale, and is known for its business courses in marketing, accounting, law, economics, intercultural communication, financial management, information systems, supply chain management, etc.

Lance University

The University of Reims (UNIVERSITE DE REIMS) is a prestigious French multidisciplinary university founded in 1548 in Reims, the capital of the Champagne-Ardenne district, northeast of Paris. The main faculties are the Faculty of Natural and Exact Sciences, the Faculty of Sports Sciences, and the Faculty of Law and Political Science.

Aix-Marseille University

Aix-Marseille Université is a public university in France, located in Aix and Marseille, formed in 2012 by the merger of the Université de Marseille I, Université de Marseille II and Université de Marseille III.

Le Mans University

The Université du Maine - Le Mans Maine is a French national university founded in 1966, located in Le Mans, teaching in the fields of technology, culture and various professions, and awarding 155 higher professional diplomas.

University of Poitiers

The Université de Poitiers is a French public university located in Poitiers, founded in 1431 by Pope Eugene IV, and is one of the oldest universities in Europe and a member of the Coimbra Group.

University of Strasbourg

The University of Strasbourg (Université de Strasbourg, UDS) is a public university in France, located in Strasbourg, whose history dates back to 1538 (Jean Sturm Grammar School) and was transformed into a university in 1621. It is ranked 87th in the world in the 2015 ARWU rankings.

University of Grenoble I

Grenoble First University (UJF; Joseph Fourier University; full name: Université Joseph Fourier) France's world-renowned medical university, located in the Rhône-Alpes region, was founded in 1339 by the famous scientist Joseph Fourier, with a very long history. In the 2015 Nature Publishing Index, Joseph Fourier University was ranked among the top 50 scientific institutions in the world with 656 publications.

International Space University

The International Space University (ISU; full name: International Space University) is a renowned French global, interdisciplinary, inter-national and inter-cultural educational institution for innovative space science, founded in 1987, offering a wide range of programs dedicated to the education of professionals in all disciplines in the field of space. It is dedicated to the education of professionals in all disciplines in the field of space, to the creation and expansion of knowledge through research and training of researchers, and to the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and ideas in the service of the global community.

ClassTools|Online Teacher Teaching Resource Network

Class Tools is a project founded by a French teacher, Russell Tarr, who is dedicated to the development of the classroom. Although the site is relatively old, it is still very useful for teachers. Currently, the site offers 20 free quizzes or diagrams, as well as educational games that you can use for free and put on your own website without logging in.

What's on the Class Tools website It is an open-access (Licensed under Creative Commons) resource recommended by many teachers, where you can also refer to or use games already created by others.

South Jersey School of Economics and Management

ICN-Ecole de Management is a leading French business school founded in 1905 by the University of Nancy and the Mert-Mauritian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, located in the Lorraine region. It also offers undergraduate and graduate programs in business administration, several dual degree programs and continuing education training.

St. Ota's High School of Business

ESC SAINT-ETIENNE (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Saint-Etienne) is a well-known French business school founded by the Saint-Étienne Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1963, with specialist, undergraduate, master, doctoral and MBA programs. It offers specialties such as international management, business and management, marketing, international purchasing, international logistics chain management, etc.

University of Paris XII

The University of Paris XII (French: Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne; abbreviated as UPEC; Paris 12 Val de Marne University) is a public comprehensive university in France, founded in 1970. It is a member of the original University of Paris and is specialized in natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. The University of Paris is a public university founded in 1970 as a successor to the University of Paris;

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