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123Apps|Online Video Editor Tool

123Apps is a collection of tools that provide Free video and music editing tools collection, help users do not need to install any software to edit video, edit music, record audio and other services in the network, the site provides a variety of language versions, users do not need to worry about language problems.

123Apps all features: video editing 123Apps has a variety of functions such as video editing, video transcoding, audio transcoding, music merging, microphone recording, video recording and online decompression, etc. Users can simply open each function through the browser, select the relevant options, upload the audio and video files and then process them remotely. The user can simply open each function through the browser, select the relevant options, upload the audio and video files and process them remotely;

Free Open Source Personal Data Management Tool

TagSpaces:Free open source personal data management tool is an excellent personal data storage management tool. It supports the management and browsing of local web pages, pictures, PDF files and other documents, making it easy for users to store and search for data; it also provides extension plug-ins for various browsers, making it easy for users to collect data in various formats from the Internet.

TagSpaces can help users to use web2.0 tag way to manage local file, organize local file with tag software originally is not much, and many is not good to use, but TagSpaces can make people shine. Directly using the local file's own directory structure to manage. Start to select a starting folder such as "data", the following directory is "animal" "anime" and so on; with Mozilla Archive Format or unmht extension, can be extremely convenient to quickly open, switch MAFF or mht, html and other web files. So you don't have to switch between resource manager and firefox directly and frequently, and open the file very fast.

TagSpaces is open sourced and published under theAGPL license. It is designed to be easily extended with It is designed to be easily extended with different plugins for visualization of directory structures or for opening of different file types.

TagSpaces is running completely offline on your computer, smartphone or tablet and does not require internet connection or online registration. You can still use platforms like ownCloud, Dropbox or Bittorrent Sync in order to sync your files between devices.

TagSpaces It is implemented in JavaScript and HTML5, which are the technologies behind most of the It is implemented in JavaScript and HTML5, which are the technologies behind most of the modern web applications.

VVVV|Real-time Video Synthesis Toolkit

" VVVV" is a toolkit for real-time video composition, providing a graphical programming language for easy prototyping and development, designed to make it easier to manipulate large media environments by means of physical interfaces, real-time video, audio and video that can interact with many users at the same time.

1. Use the spread to easily handle a large number of objects: vvvv can handle a large number of objects at once, whether they are graphics or data, without the user having to make a particularly significant effort to do so. There is no significant difference in the user interface between controlling a single instance of a graphical object with vvvv and 1000 instances, which we call "spreading".

We sometimes want to assign different values to each individual in a group of objects, and spreading is an abstraction of this behavior. Setting up a table is like distributing plates at a dinner table, where they have different positions. vvvv includes a number of spreading generators to make it easier to write complex behaviors for a large set of objects.

2. Using Boygroup's seamless multi-projector technology:

There are many applications that require the use of several PCs to achieve the desired number of output screens/projections, and controlling these PCs individually It's easy to mess things up by controlling these PCs individually. Instead, vvvv allows us to easily control any number of client computers from a single server using Boygrouping technology.

Boygroup allows us to easily build multi-screen systems or seamless multi-screen projections. It allows us to build rendering clusters where we can individually pick and choose which nodes to run on the server and which to run on the client. It allows us to control which data needs to be transferred over the network and which is more appropriate to be computationally derived on all the clients, a capability that allows us to manually optimize a setup without much magic.

3. 3D rendering based on DirectX:

vvvv's 3D engine is based on Microsoft's DirectX technology. DirectX is a set of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for high performance computing. By leveraging the power of modern graphics cards, DirectX allows vvvv's rendering performance to approach that of computer games.

DirectX terminology was maintained as much as possible when translating DirectX features into vvvv's graphics programming interface. This makes it easy for people familiar with DirectX programming to understand the substance underneath this veneer.

4. Loading 3D models:

Although vvvv has nodes for creating, calculating, or modifying geometric data, it should not be viewed as a 3D modeling tool. The proper way to get an existing object moving is to import a model with textures using DirectX's own .x format file, which is supported by almost all major 3-D modeling software. In addition to importing models,

vvvv provides standard geometry such as quadrilaterals, grids, cubes, spheres, and of course teapots.

5. Texturing of 3D models using dynamic graphics or images:

There is a large range of options for using textures in vvvv. In addition to traditional still images (such as bmp, targa, png, dds, etc.), vvvv can use image files, camera inputs, or flash movies as mapping for any 3D object. Even a part of the desktop can be used as a texture, and the texture can be generated in real time from any data in a patch.

6. Real-time shading programming:

vvvv's pixel and vertex shading allows users to accomplish more than the usual visual representation of a 3d appearance. Shaders allow you to run programs on the graphics card, and shaders make it clear how the graphics card resolves each 3d vertex sent to it, what calculations are loaded on it, and how the color of each pixel is derived.

7. Real-time physics simulation:

vvvv contains ODE by Russel Smith, a set of open-source, high-performance library functions that can be used to simulate rigid body dynamics (collision detection with friction). (collision detection with friction), ODE is useful in simulating vehicles, objects in virtual reality environments, virtual organisms, and many other applications.

8. Real-time video analysis:

The video analysis node is implemented through the freeframe plugin system, so it can be developed independently from vvvv. Some nodes have been implemented with a number of different tracking techniques. Such as: contour capture, color capture, motion detection, etc.. If this is not enough, you can always develop custom freeframe plugins.

9. Audio features:

vvvv's sound engine is based on Microsoft's DirectShow technology and is capable of playing most formats of audio files as well as doing simple mixing of multiple audio files (as long as these files are The vvvv sound engine is based on Microsoft's DirectShow technology and is capable of playing most formats of audio files as well as simple mixing of multiple audio files (as long as they are playable in Windows Mediaplayer).

All input devices with WDM drivers (also called multichannel devices) can work with vvvv. A very interesting thing for many people is to analyze the input sound, there are several ways to get the volume of each channel or through the FFT (Fourier Transformation) algorithm to get the volume of different frequencies.

10. The ability to interact with a wide variety of external devices and protocols:

vvvv has the ability to control a wide variety of third party devices such as DVD players, industrial interfaces (for lighting and electrical), touch screens, gaming devices, turntables, positioning and directional sensors, MIDI devices, DMX interfaces, serial interfaces, keyboards, and mice.

In addition to the underlying protocols such as TCP, UDP and RS232 for communication with other computers or software, the high level nodes allow communication via MIDI, DMX, ArNet, OSC, HTTP and IRC.

VVVV is a hybrid graphical and text programming language environment for easy prototyping and development, designed to facilitate the handling of large multimedia environments and physical interfaces more easily. This includes real-time motion graphics, audio and video capabilities that can interact with many users simultaneously. It features real time, many other languages with many different modes of programming and operation, and can be used for non-commercial applications at no cost.

vvvv is suitable for many contexts, including common computer-related media such as audio, video, 3D animation, the Internet, and so on, just to name a few particularly popular ones. In addition to creating and converting for these media, vvvv is also easy to develop the ability to accept a variety of inputs and generate outputs for a variety of external devices.

Image depth art rendering tool

DeepArt is a WEB-based It supports a variety of artistic rendering effects. Since its rendering effects are more complex, users will be queued up after submitting to the website, and they can leave an email address and the rendering will be automatically sent to the reserved email address. Of course you can also pay to jump the queue for fast rendering.

DeepArt's website uses neural-based image optimization algorithms by Karen The network-based image optimization algorithm, jointly developed by Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman, is seen in the multiple rendered images generated on the site, as long as the filter effects are impressionistic, abstract, fragmentation, oil painting effects, and so on.

Free Open Source Linux Server Control Panel System

aJenTi:Free Open Source Linux Server Control Panel System is an excellent linux based web browser system management control panel, free open source and supports multiple languages, including of course the Chinese version, which can be used to manage small server environments and is also most suitable for Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and specialized servers.

Ajenti is a very powerful Lightweight tools, including the management of Apache, BIND9, Cron, CTDB, DHCPD, NFSD, Iptables, Munin, MySQL, Netatalk, NGINX, PostgreSQL, Samba, lm-sensors, Squid 3, Supervisor. And you can easily do secondary development, completely open source.

Ajenti provides a fast and responsive web interface for managing small server environments, and is also best suited for Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and specialized servers. It comes with many pre-built plug-ins for configuring and monitoring server software and services such as Apache, Cron, File System, Firewall, MySQL, Nginx, Munin, Samba, FTP, and Squid, as well as many other tools such as File Manager, developer-oriented code Code Editor and terminal access.

Ajenti is a third-party tool that requires the EPEL library to be enabled on our system in order to install dependent relationship packages. Powerful server management system, using Python to achieve, second to kill all the host panel of PHP. Here is a library currently 91% complete

Based on p2p browser sharing tools on p2p Browser sharing tool is an online tool that supports peer-to-peer file sharing, the service uses WebRTC technology to be able to transfer files between two browsers in a peer-to-peer network, which means that files can be transferred directly from one browser to another.

There are many technologies for network file transfer. WebRTC, the name comes from the abbreviation of Web Real-Time Communication (Web Real-Time Communication), is a web browser to support real-time voice conversation or video conversation technology, the ultimate goal of the project is mainly to allow Web developers to be able to base on the browser (ChromeFireFox ...) The ultimate goal of the project is to allow Web developers to develop rich real-time multimedia applications easily and quickly, without downloading and installing any plug-ins, Web developers do not need to pay attention to the digital signal processing of multimedia, just write a simple Javascript program to achieve, W3C and other organizations are developing Javascript standard API.

< p>'s sole purpose is to allow you to easily share various files with your friends through the tool. The entire transmission process uses SSL data transmission layer security encryption technology to reduce the risk of data attacks or leaks during the transmission process.

Efficient Scientific Memory Tool

AnKi:Efficient Scientific Memory Tool is A scientific and efficient memory software, it arranges daily learning progress and review plans according to the forgetting curve. You can make your own memory library (very convenient), and you can also download the memory library from Anki official or some forums.

Anki can help users remember any content Anki can help users remember any content, for example, riddles, etc. New cards can be loaded with phonetic symbols, pictures, and videos. You can set the background and font of the card as you like. Anything that needs to be remembered, such as words, exams, people's names and even guitar keys can be put into Anki to help remember.

Anki supports PC clients, can be network synchronized, supports Mac OS X, linux, supports android, iphone, ipad, nokia and other mobile devices, provides online web interface.

Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.

Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless.

Online Business Model Brainstorming Tools

Canvanizer:Online Business Canvanizer is an online business model brainstorming tool developed by a German team dedicated to the brainstorming of business model team discussions. It is designed to help users brainstorm and create more creative projects by pooling their collective wisdom to generate intuitive mind maps that have a very intuitive visual effect whether they are shown to their bosses or to their clients.

In group decision making, because of the psychological influence of group members In group decision making, due to the psychological influence of the members of the group, it is easy to succumb to authority or majority opinion, forming the so-called "groupthink". Groupthink weakens the critical spirit and creativity of the group, and undermines the quality of decision making. In order to ensure the creativity of group decision making and improve the quality of decision making, a series of management methods have been developed to improve group decision making, and the brain storm method is a typical one.

No one is a stranger to mind mapping, there are many tools for this on the web, we recommend this online mind mapping tool that can be used directly without installing any plug-ins to help your team record ideas and inspirations in the form of clear mind maps, which are very helpful for sorting out work plans and planning. and planning.

Online sticker making tool

FaceYourManga:In FaceYourManga is a tool that allows users to create fun headshots in five minutes and save them locally for use in major social networks.

FaceYourManga is a The user can make the avatar directly online without applying for an account, and click CREATE!

Although it's a free service, the cartoon creator can adjust a wide range of items, including face, ears, eyebrows, and hair, and so on, and you can even change clothes, glasses, and backgrounds. In addition, you can adjust the width and size of some of them through the fine-tuning tool below, and the color palette on the left can make color changes to make unique cartoon avatars easily. And also registered IOS version of the mobile application.

Vectorizer|Online free point-and-shoot image conversion tool

Online Image Vectorizer is a free online bitmap to vector image tool, the operation is very simple, just like the general conversion tool, and does not require registration to use, just upload the original image to be converted, use the built-in options to adjust to what you think is the most satisfactory state, one click to get a vector image SVG file.

Terminology: A dot matrix map is composed of n more pixels of pixels. Its concept is mainly relative to the distinction between vector maps. Bitmap and vector map are the two main concepts of modern computer graphics, and generally speaking, bitmap and bitmap are one concept.

Most of the picture formats that users encounter in daily life are dot matrix, such as PNG, BMP or JPEG, but there is another format other than dot matrix that is vector map (or vector map). The biggest difference between these two formats is that vector graphics are not pixel-based, but are composed of geometric elements based on mathematical equations, such as points, lines, or polygons, so that they are not distorted when editing rotations or resizing, and are often used when designing logos or graphics.

Online website security testing service website

WebUtation:Online Website WebUtation is an open web site security and trustworthiness testing tool. Users only need to enter the URL of the site to be tested, and the tool will list the results including Google Safe Browsing, Anti-Virus Check, Norton Safe Web, WOT (Web of Trust), etc., and provide a score to tell you whether the site is safe.

If you are a webmaster, you can also get its If you are a site administrator, you can also get a rating sticker that tells visitors that the site has passed security checks. Webutation also displays the site's Alexa rank, PageRank, and shares on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter, making it a very good tool for webmasters. Of course, the tool is very effective for those who promote their websites in foreign countries.

Online eBook format conversion tool

Online eBook Converter (eBook Online convert) is a tool site that supports multiple eBook formats, mainly PDF, AZW3, FB2 It supports PDF, AZW3, FB2, ePub, HTML, LIT, LRF, Mobi and other formats to facilitate users to read different e-books between different devices.

Media|Online Free Audio Converter Tool

Media io is a tool that supports online The output formats supported are MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG and 150 other formats, and the audio quality can be selected from 320kbit/s, 192kbit/s, 128kbit/s, 96kbit/s, allowing users to realize online conversion without installing any tools.

Usage: The first step is to open the website and select Want to upload the file, support URL links, the second step to choose the format and quality of the output, it is best to click the conversion button, according to the size of the file waiting time is also different, of course, if the download software also supports URL conversion, complete the download to the local can.

Online Lightweight Framework Authoring Tool

FrameBox:Online Lightweight FrameMaker is an online tool that allows you to easily draw user interface sketches, unit frames, and interactive interface diagrams. It supports drag-and-drop operations, resizing, and other easy drawing functions, allowing you to quickly complete your interface design and share it with customers for preview.

If you use FrameBox tool, it is best to register as a user. If you want to design a more intuitive interactive interface, this tool is very suitable, because its simple and intuitive settings can be easily completed, without the need for you to use more complex software.

Online Mind Mapping Tool

MindMeister: Online mind map creation tool is a tool that supports online creation of mind maps, which can be saved at any time and then continue editing on other computers; it supports shortcuts, etc., and the operation is very similar to the software, very It is suitable for online creation.

MindMeister is very powerful, in addition to creating brain maps online, you can also collaborate with friends in real time, and the parts created by one person will be automatically sent to others. It also offers sharing, password protection, exporting to PDF or various images. In addition, MindMeister has offline mode, can be embedded in iGoogle, provides IE and FireFox browser extensions, and provides API for developers.

Drawing brain maps has many benefits, such as recording brain storms, sharing ideas, planning projects, visualizing thinking. Thinking about a thing, making plans, etc. This method mainly uses the concept of graphical style, with lines, graphics, symbols, colors, text, numbers and other ways, the ideas and information quickly to the above-mentioned various ways to summarize down into a mind map (Mind Map). mindmeister in the backend of the editing function using a lot of AJAX technology, the user experience is quite good.

At present, MindMeister platform already supports smartphone clients, Apple, Android, Ipad can install the client to achieve the production on the phone.

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