

Online Business Model Brainstorming Tools

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brief introduction

Canvanizer:Online Business Canvanizer is an online business model brainstorming tool developed by a German team dedicated to the brainstorming of business model team discussions. It is designed to help users brainstorm and create more creative projects by pooling their collective wisdom to generate intuitive mind maps that have a very intuitive visual effect whether they are shown to their bosses or to their clients.

In group decision making, because of the psychological influence of group members In group decision making, due to the psychological influence of the members of the group, it is easy to succumb to authority or majority opinion, forming the so-called "groupthink". Groupthink weakens the critical spirit and creativity of the group, and undermines the quality of decision making. In order to ensure the creativity of group decision making and improve the quality of decision making, a series of management methods have been developed to improve group decision making, and the brain storm method is a typical one.

No one is a stranger to mind mapping, there are many tools for this on the web, we recommend this online mind mapping tool that can be used directly without installing any plug-ins to help your team record ideas and inspirations in the form of clear mind maps, which are very helpful for sorting out work plans and planning. and planning.

Online Business Model Brainstorming Tools
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