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Academic search engine in Bielefeld, Germany

Base Search:Bielefeld, Germany Bielefeld Academic is a multidisciplinary academic search engine developed by the famous Bielefeld University Library in Germany, providing an integrated search service for global heterogeneous academic resources.

Base Search integrates the academic resources of the German Bielefeld University Library's library catalog and data from about 160 open resources (over 2 million documents).

Versus online comparison network

Versus is an online comparison tool launched by German startup URGE IO, which supports comparison of cell phones, tablets, cities, TVs, game consoles, etc. The comparison includes technical indicators, prices, reviews and other data, and supports multiple languages including Simplified Chinese, allowing users to complete the comparison quickly and efficiently.

Free image material search engine

Foter: Free Photos and Images is a photo search cause that allows users to search and manage and add free images to personal websites, blogs, forums and other online media, and currently integrates and includes over 190 million free material images Resources, is your search for free search available must have search engine.

Foter image search engine and other image search is different from the search engine and Wordpress program seamlessly connected, you can search in this image can be embedded directly through a piece of code, but the image agent contains a CC license tips, a huge library of search what there is nothing.

Intelligent free image material search engine

Everypixel Everypixel is a free photo material helper, based on AI technology. On the one hand, it helps you to filter out the "beautiful" pictures from more than 50 galleries around the world, and on the other hand, it uses image analysis technology to filter out various kinds of photo materials with special needs "in real time".

Everypixel The AI intelligent search mechanism added to filter the vulgar material through aesthetics, although none of them can leave the basic gallery, but their search engine algorithm is smarter, users can find paid images, free images, you can check the search results on the top right of [ You can check the [ Only Free ] at the top right of the search result to simply filter out the free material. Once you find the image you need, click on the image and you will see the download links for various sizes of galleries, and you can go directly to the source gallery by clicking on it.

Everypixel The filtering mechanism is divided into: various filters according to the type of content of the images; filtering image material according to color; filtering image material according to "blank position"; and comparing prices of photo material from various major libraries, which is more professional than the comprehensive search engine.

Green Search Engine

Ecosia is a green based on Bing and Yahoo's Green, because behind the search engine are many energy-intensive servers. For every click on a paid ad link, they donate at least 80% of the remaining proceeds to the public good, and are currently focusing on planting trees to support their work to save the Amazon rainforest.

Ecosia is a German startup company B -labs founder, founder Christian Kroll is after his trip to South America to set up this project, B-labs said " search engine since its inception in December 2009, 80% of advertising revenue donated to raise more than 1.5 million dollars used to protect the rainforest ", currently has about 200,000 users.

google Germany
Google search engine Germany site, web, image, news search, support personalized search and local search, provide forum, mailbox, calendar service and desktop search tools. Germany
German language version of the search engine, including web pages, images, blogs and search products as well as software downloads.
Yahoo! Germany-Search
Search engine service provided by Yahoo Germany website, global web and German web search.
Search German web pages, global web pages, images, pdf files, multimedia files, videos, jobs, etc.
German search engine.
German search engine.
Germany shopping price comparison search engine, to buy what, for example, computer, first here to compare, immediately much cheaper.
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