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Official website of the Peruvian Tourism Board

VisitPeru: The Peru Tourism Board is a non-governmental organization that provides and publicizes comprehensive tourist information about Peru, allowing one to learn about its human geography, urban attractions, tourist information, etc.

Peru Sarpong Beach Tourism Network

PuntaSal:Sarpong, Peru PuntaSal is a small beach in Peru. The site introduces the food and tourist attractions of the beach, where all the fun and delicious can be found on the site, and is one of the sites you must see before traveling.

Due to the warm current of El Niño and the cold current of the Humboldt Current meet here. Salpón Beach receives abundant, warm sunshine all year round, thanks to the convergence of the warm currents of El Niño and the cold currents of the Humboldt Current. Salpón Beach is one of the longest beaches on Peru's north coast, with warm, tranquil waters and a year-round temperature of 25 to 29 degrees.

The beach is divided into two parts, the Great Sarpong Beach and the Little Sarpong Beach. The beach is long and long, the sand is fine and soft, and there are many pavilions made of thatch on the beach for tourists to rest. On the beach, groups of children happily playing, playing, playing, and sweet couples strolling on the beach, collecting shells, a harmonious picture.

TripAdvisor Peru
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