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Ireland Investment Development Authority

IdaIreland:Ireland IdaIreland is a non-profit government agency, the official investment and development agency of the Irish government, and is Ireland's inward investment promotion agency. IdaIreland (Industry Agency) is primarily responsible for attracting and developing foreign investment into Ireland.

The Irish Investment Development Agency (IDA) Ireland) was established in 1969 to safeguard the investments of overseas investors who plan to invest in Ireland's manufacturing and international trade sectors, and to encourage existing investors to develop and expand their operations in Ireland. The agency currently has 13 offices around the world and has helped thousands of foreign businesses set up in Ireland.

Thousands of foreign companies have invested in Ireland in the e-commerce, ICT, software, pharmaceutical, healthcare, engineering and international financial services and other international services sectors, and these companies are using Ireland as a base to expand into mainland Europe. Find out about the services, capital and incentives that Invest Ireland can offer to its clients.

Irish Government Official Website

GOV.IE: The official website of the Irish government is the official website of the Irish state to release news, national policies, and national agency services , civic life information, available in Irish and English.

GOV.IE: The content provided by the official website of the Irish government includes links to websites of various departments of the country, Links to institutions’ online service websites, links to civic life information service websites, and other information.

The Republic of Ireland, referred to as Ireland, is located in western Europe, with Dublin as its capital and seat of government. The official languages are English and Gaelic. A parliamentary republic is implemented. The president is the head of state. The president has no actual executive power, but has certain powers and positions under the advice of the Irish State Council. The head of government is the prime minister.

Ireland has a history of more than 5,000 years and is a country with a long history. The landscape of the country is very beautiful and charming. Although Ireland also has its own language, Gaelic, it is the only English-speaking country in Europe besides the United Kingdom.

Irish Chinese Studies Association

Chinese Students and Scholars Association (Republic of Ireland; Chinese Students and Scholars Association, Republic of Ireland; CSSA Ireland is a mass organization of Chinese students studying in Ireland. It aims to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese students studying in Ireland. Promoting academic exchanges and cultural life; To enhance the unity and exchanges between Chinese students studying abroad, and develop friendships with overseas Chinese, Irish, and people from other countries.

Irish Science Foundation

The Science Foundation of Ireland (SFI) Ireland's leading research funding agency, established in 2003, is dedicated to providing research grants and support for research activities for researchers and teams.

Chinese Embassy in Ireland
Contains information on embassies, diplomatic dynamics, China-Ireland relations, consular affairs, economic and trade relations, education and study, scientific and technological cooperation, and an overview of Ireland.
Irish Government
The official website of the Irish government.
Irish Embassy in China
Introduction to Ireland-China relations, study in Ireland, visa information, consulate information, economic and trade relations.
Central Statistics Office, Ireland
Irish Central Statistics Office website.
Irish Food Board
Irish Food Board website.
Economic and Commercial Counsellor's Office, Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Ireland
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