

current location:Country > Asia > China > Medical >, a professional health information portal, is China's premium healthcare information and online health service platform, the outstanding representative of healthcare websites, and has won the China benchmark brand name. It provides professional and perfect health information services, including disease, health care, health news, expert consultation, patient forum, male medicine, gynecology, parenting, psychology, plastic surgery, weight loss, medicine, first aid, Chinese medicine, beauty, diet, fitness, hospital inquiry, doctor inquiry, disease inquiry, medicine inquiry, disease self-test and other channels.
Find a Doctor
Seeking takes the responsibility of "navigating for the health of all people", spreading the concept of "quality of life, health first", and building a platform for patients and doctors to make accurate medical information inquiries, one-on-one online consultations, and appointments for registration and other services.
Have a question
Quickly ask the doctor's question and answer network is an excellent doctor's online health question and answer consultation platform. Tens of thousands of doctors from across the country to answer any health questions for free, you can telephone, text and other ways to consult with doctors one-on-one!
Xinhua Health
Health information channel providing health information, medical consultation, diet, preventive care, etc.
Medical Network
Adhering to the concept of health service Chinese online hospital, with a strong expert team advantage, professional, experienced operational background, to provide health information and services for the majority of Internet users. is a comprehensive health website specializing in providing health information and is the most suitable health portal for Chinese people. has channels such as hospital library, drug library, male medicine, gynecology, Chinese medicine, elderly, childcare, physical examination, picture library, beauty, plastic surgery, weight loss, fitness, psychology, diet, health care and disease. It is an outstanding representative of medical and health care websites. We welcome you to join our 99 Health Forum to exchange ideas on health and wellness.
Provides information and channels on medical section, nutrition section, psychological section, community, medical search, video, SMS, column, and mall.
Aikang Guobin
Aikang Guobin Health Mall belongs to Beijing Aikang Guobin Clinic Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of Aikang Group, the largest private preventive medical service provider in China.
NetEase Health
Netease health, focusing on providing services for white-collar workers aged 20-45. Weight loss, gender, fitness, nutrition, health care, health, food, medication, white-collar health everything, is all we care about.
Doctor on the line
Doctors Online is based on a variety of medical, nutrition, beauty, health care, gender and other health information to build a good medical care, doctor-patient, patient exchange platform to provide remote health advice and medical assistance services for the majority of Internet users.
China Medical Network
Professional medicine website, professional medicine investment, medicine agent or drug agent, medicine business circle, medicine search and policy and regulation platform, with medicine database of medicine, health care products, medical devices, pharmaceutical machinery, cosmetics and sterilization products, etc.!
Medical Education Network
Medical Education Network is a super-large medical distance education website in China. It is open all the year round: clinical practitioner exam, clinical assistant physician exam, traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, traditional Chinese medicine assistant practitioner, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine practitioner, integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine assistant practitioner Physician, practical skills, health professional technical qualification examination, licensed pharmacist examination, licensed nurse, junior nurse, supervisor...
Good Doctor Online
Good doctor online - intelligent Internet hospital, gathered 150,000 + quality medical authority experts, to provide patients with a full range of services such as online doctor, registered specialist number, online prescription, online purchase of drugs, online follow-up, network booking surgery; patients through the intelligent Internet hospital to get the authority of the national quality medical experts diagnosis and treatment, small and large diseases online consultation, no longer difficult to see a doctor.
Sohu Health
Sohu Health, a professional health information service platform under It provides authoritative, mainstream and fresh health information, builds an effective communication bridge between doctors and patients, and aspires to be the health responsibility of 1.4 billion Chinese people.
Yi Jin Jing Training Class
Yi Jin Jing Training Class
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