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Sina News Center News Center is one of the most important channels of, providing 24-hour rolling coverage of domestic, international and social news. Tens of thousands of news are compiled and distributed daily.
Xinhua is the main force of the central key news website directly deployed by the Party Central Committee and hosted by Xinhua, the state news agency, and is an important online opinion forum for the Party and the state, with significant influence at home and abroad.
People's Daily, one of the world's top ten newspapers, is a large online information platform built mainly on news, and is one of the largest Chinese and multilingual news sites on the Internet. As a key national news site, the people's network to the authority of news reporting, timely, diversity and commentary as a feature, in the netizens established the "authoritative media, the public website" image.
Tencent News
Tencent News, faction. News center, contains has current affairs news, domestic news, international news, social news, current affairs commentary, news picture, news topic, news forum, military affairs, history, professional current affairs report portal website.
NetEase News
Contains current affairs news, domestic news, international news, social news, current affairs commentary, news pictures, news features, news forum, military affairs, history of the professional current affairs report portal site.
Sohu News News Center is the most important channel of and one of the largest news websites in Chinese. It provides 24-hour rolling coverage of domestic and international current affairs and social news.
China News Network
China News is a well-known Chinese news portal, and one of the most important original content providers of Chinese news and information on the global Internet. Relying on CNN's worldwide editorial network, it provides a wide variety of information services such as text, pictures and videos to the general public and online media 24 hours a day in a fast and accurate manner. In terms of news reporting, CNN's dynamic news is timely and accurate, and its explanatory reports are unique in perspective, and its articles are widely reproduced by domestic and international online media.
Baidu News Search
Baidu News is a news service platform that contains a huge amount of information and truly reflects the news hotspots at every moment. You can search for news events, hot topics, people, product information, etc., and quickly learn their latest developments.
CCTV news channel is a global, multilingual, multi-terminal three-dimensional news information sharing platform. With audio-visual and interactive as the core, it provides the fastest, most authoritative, most comprehensive, and most abundant audio-visual and interactive news services 24 hours a day, spreading China and understanding the world. News News Channel Main Columns: Domestic News, International News, Social News, History, Old Photo Gallery, Economy.
TOM.COM is a light luxury real-time information platform, which recommends the latest entertainment information for users, fashion forward with the guide, is one of the most convenient way to understand the entertainment and fashion information in China, the content covers entertainment and fashion, sports games, news and events, car technology, mother and child consumption, shopping life, health travel, game mailbox, paragraph channel information.
Southern News Network is approved by the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, the Guangdong Provincial People's Government to build a news and publicity website. As the largest news integration platform in South China, is the most authoritative and fastest way for domestic and foreign netizens to know and understand Guangdong. is a large comprehensive Internet site jointly invested and established by 10 units including major news media and related enterprises in Shanghai. The website mainly introduces social, financial, sports, entertainment, military, multimedia, dating, forum, chat and other comprehensive contents.
CYC Online
China youth newspaper organizes. Contains in-school and out-school news, youth sports, time news, education, training information.
Shenzhen news and interactive community website.
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