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China Train Ticket Website
Provides train ticket inquiry, train timetable retrieval, hotel reservation, airline ticket reservation, flight inquiry service.
12306 Railway Tickets
The website of China Railway Customer Service Center is an important window for the railroad to serve its customers, integrating passenger and freight transportation information of the whole road and providing passenger and freight transportation business and public information inquiry service for the society and railroad customers. By logging into this website, customers can inquire about passenger train timetables, fares, train schedules, train schedules, remaining tickets, ticket outlets, freight rates, vehicle technical parameters and passenger and freight regulations.
Sogou map
Provides interactive maps, satellite images. Find information on surrounding businesses, driving and bus routes.
Baidu map
Browse the map, search for locations, check the bus driving routes, your travel guide, life assistant.
Google Map
Provides interactive maps, satellite images. Find information on surrounding businesses, driving and bus routes.
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