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Chilean Government Official Website

GobiernoDeChile :The official website of the Chilean government is the official website of the political rights institution of the Chilean state. It is available in Spanish and English, and includes a profile of the President and First Lady, an overview of the residence, a profile of the governmental institutions set up, a blog, a news center, and more.

The Republic of Chile, or Chile for short, is located in the southwest of South America. The capital and seat of government is Santiago, and the official language is Spanish. It is a democratic republic with the president as head of state and the head of government as minister of the interior.

Chilean Observatory Official Website

The Chilean Observatory is an international astronomical facility The general name, ALMA (The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array), is a collaborative project between the European Astronomical Research Organization (ESO), the National Science and Technology Foundation (NSF), Nature Science, and Chile.

Following a decision in 1963, ESO In 1963, ESO approved the construction of an observatory in Chile, and the detection team traveled to many sites to assess their suitability. The site decided on was La Silla, 600 kilometers from Santiago and 2,400 meters above sea level, in the southern part of the Athagama Desert. In addition to being a government asset, it has the additional advantages of being dry, flat and easily accessible, and isolated and away from any artificial sources of light and dust.

Earth Charter International Declaration

The Earth The Earth Charter is the product of a decade-long cross-cultural dialogue among nations around the world on common goals and values. Drafted by civil society in 2000, its mission is to promote sustainable lifestyles and to advance the development of a global society within a common ethical framework.


The Earth Charter aims to provide a strong pillar for building a just, sustainable and peaceful international community in the 21st century, dedicated to inspiring a new consciousness that is dedicated to the realization of the whole human family's right to peace, happiness and security. The Earth Charter aims to provide a strong pillar for building a just, sustainable and peaceful international society in the 21st century, and to inspire a new consciousness that people around the world should unite in their responsibilities and obligations to achieve the recreation and peace of the entire human family, the continuous improvement of the quality of life of communities, and the good life of future generations.

It calls on all humanity to unite at this historic juncture and to form a global cooperation. The ethical and moral vision of the Earth Charter promotes the inseparable interdependence of environmental protection, human rights, equitable human development, and peace. The Earth Charter hopes to provide a new framework for thinking about or addressing these issues.

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