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The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations is an Israeli intelligence agency, commonly known as Mossad, established in 1949 and known for its bold, radical approach, which has The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, commonly known as Mossad, was founded in 1949 and has been known for its bold, aggressive, and world-shaking successes, making Mossad one of the world's most prominent intelligence agencies.


Israel's National Security Agency (שירות הביטחון הכללי) is one of Israel's intelligence agencies, commonly known as Shinbet, is responsible for Israel's domestic security affairs, including providing security for dignitaries and foreign guests, its motto is "The motto is "the shield that cannot be seen.

Israel Immigration Absorption Authority

The website is the official website of the Israel Ministry of Immigrants Absorption, providing information and services on all aspects of Israel, visa immigration matters, and more. The website is available in Hebrew, French, Spanish, Russian and English.

The Wolf Foundation

The Wolf Foundation is an Israeli foundation founded in 1976 with the primary goal of awarding the Wolf Prize for excellence in natural sciences (physics, chemistry), mathematics, medicine, agriculture, and the arts (architecture, music, painting, sculpture).

Israel Space Agency

The Israel Space Agency (ISA, abbreviated as ISA) is an Israeli governmental space agency founded in 1983, headquartered at Palmach Air Force Base, and part of the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology, primarily responsible for Israel's space research mission.

Economy|Israeli Government Economic Department

The Israeli Ministry of Economy (Ministry) The Ministry of Economy is the government department responsible for commerce, industry and labor in Israel, established in 1948, initially named the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, and then underwent several mergers and name changes, eventually forming the current structure.

The Israeli Ministry of Economy plays an important role in policy making and has initiated several projects to In 2015, Israel ranked 22nd in the world with a GDP per capita of $35,700.

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