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Connection to the World Calendar Portfolio Application

Meekan:Connecting the World's Calendars Meekan is an app that connects all kinds of calendars, no matter what kind of calendar you use, Meekan can connect all aspects of meetings, including scheduling, communication, and collaboration.Meekan can also help you schedule and put off meetings to optimize your schedule, maximize efficiency, and minimize your commute.

People today use a wide variety of calendar There are roughly 900 million calendar accounts around the world, but these accounts can't 'see' other accounts, so when it comes to scheduling meetings, you often end up in what we call 'email ping pong' situations. Meekan is dedicated to simplifying the scheduling process and helping people take back control of their calendars to eliminate the 'email ping pong' phenomenon.

Meekan's free product is designed to help people schedule meetings across time zones and organizations by pinpointing the most appropriate meeting times. The principle is to check the time availability, time zone, and working hours of participants, regardless of which calendar application they use (Gmail, Google Apps, Exchange/, or iCloud), and currently the application is only available in English. Language, will certainly launch a multi-language version.

360 panoramic photo creation tool

DermanDar:360 Panorama Photo Maker is a mobile application that can make pictures into 360 degree panoramic pictures, not only can you make panoramic pictures online, but you can also install it on your cell phone, take pictures with your phone and then make panoramic pictures. This application has no advertisement and no charge, Android will be launched soon.

Dermandar is initially just a Dermandar started as a website where users could upload photos and then make their own panoramic photos. Creating and sharing a panoramic photo on the web takes only a few clicks and a few seconds. We found that the process of taking a picture with a camera, then downloading it to a computer, and finally making a panoramic photo on the web was taking too long, so we launched the application to make it easy for users to use, and its working principle involves an algorithm and a complex mathematical process developed by Elie-Gregoire himself, making full use of existing hardware, so it's fast.

Food Nutrition Analysis Mobile Version

When you are shopping at the supermarket and don't know When you shop at the supermarket, you don't know whether the product you bought meets the nutrition standards, whether it has nutritional value, and whether it's worth buying? Healthy eating is starting to be a concern for urban groups, a health craze is coming. Do you know if every food you have eaten is healthy? Or are you confused by the ingredient lists, nutrition labels, health claims and marketing hype?

When shopping at the supermarket, health-conscious consumers rarely have time to compare and contrast the ingredients on food labels. With Fooducate's iPhone app, consumers can quickly compare the ingredients on food labels with a simple scan of the code.

When users scan the barcode of a product in the supermarket, they will see interesting information about the food, such as how many trans fatty acids, salt and preservatives are in it. The app will then offer suggestions for healthier alternatives. Although users may not always agree with the recommendations given by Fooducate, it will still help them make more scientific dietary choices.

The app currently has 200,000 items in its database, and that number is growing daily. All of the data analysis and food choice recommendations come from a team of community parents, nutritionists and technicians.

Fooducate is not affiliated with any food manufacturing company and guarantees impartiality as a third-party platform. Currently, Fooducate is a highly successful and user-recognized platform on iOS and Android.

Real-time crowd-sourced map convergence mobile device applications

Waze:Real-time crowd-sourced map convergence mobile The device application is a map showing the surrounding gas stations fuel price information, in the form of crowdsourcing to collect data from users, and then provide users with real-time traffic maps to help them navigate and save time.

Waze gets fuel prices in two ways Data:

1, waze can now display real-time information about gas prices at nearby or on the road, because the data comes from the public package, relatively speaking, may be more accurate. So now if your car is running out of gas, you do not have to fill up at the nearest gas station, you can choose a little further away but cheaper that one. If you find that the waze data is inaccurate when you fill up, you can also update it to the latest data in real time.

2. waze also works with a gas station to offer its own users some exclusive discounts, such as 5 to 10 cents off per gallon. This discount information can be seen directly in the app.

Waze now has 19 million users, which allows businesses to push ads to those users along the way, giving free waze a clearer win model.

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