

Socialized financial investment platform

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brief introduction

Etoro: A social financial investment platform Etoro is a social network that allows users to mimic the financial investments of other successful traders through real time data, providing users with data charts similar to Twitter feeds to mimic trades by following the investment behavior of others.

Etoro has more than 2 million users, from over 140 countries. From more than 140 countries, the online trading position grew 500%. eToro has over 200 employees in Europe, the US, Australia and Israel, and they will continue to expand in the future.

Etoro provides users with a Twitter-like stream of data charts, including what all users have done before, what they are doing, etc. Based on this investment information, users can choose to "invest" in a particular country. Based on this investment information, users can choose to "CopyTrader", which is a way to mimic other people's trades by following their investment behavior.

Users can view the investment history of the person they want to copy, and choose whether to copy him or not by investment style and success rate. If the user's own investment success rate is high, other users will also follow suit.

The success rate of those imitating traders is about 80%. One of the users from Germany "Moksel1972", he has 3,000 imitated users, and imitate him nearly 20,000, his trading 99.6% is additional return on investment.

Etoro also charges a trading fee of about three ten thousandths of the single fee, while the average securities company or investment platform charges between three ten thousandths and one thousandth of the fee.

Socialized financial investment platform
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