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Local food online reservation platform

EatWith:Local Cuisine Online Reservation Platform is a platform that allows travelers on the road to have It is an opportunity for travelers on the road to have dinner with the locals, and to learn about the local customs of the area and truly immerse themselves in the lives of the indigenous people.

First-time users of the EatWith homepage will need to sign up for an account based on their tastes, and will then have the option of booking a table as a traveler or as a host. For local residents, EatWith helps them to start a small catering business at home to increase their income, and also gives them the opportunity to meet different groups of people. And for tourists, they can enjoy non-standardized food at similar prices, but also meet people who are also traveling at the table, meet new friends, and learn from the hosts to understand the characteristics of the local, where the fun, where the dumb, to reduce the chance of being fooled by the tour guide.

To ensure the quality of the tables and meals provided, EatWith now adopts the method of manual certification, that is, to try the food in the homes of those residents, to ensure the quality, will be issued on the website to the residents who provide meals certification. However, EatWith hopes to gradually accumulate the number of users in the future, so it can leave the certification work to user reviews. At the same time, EatWith will also work with a third-party organization to provide a million dollars of insurance to avoid the worry of food poisoning caused by hospitality travelers.

But for now EatWith is only open to Tel Aviv, Israel, and Barcelona, Spain, and there are now 130 available table residents on the site, but thousands of table rentals are coming in from around the world, and they plan to open it to New York City next.

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