

Online Picture Resolution Compression Tool

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brief introduction

JpegMiNi:picture resolution Compression tool is a technical tool developed by an Israeli start-up company for JPEG format pictures to be compressed. This technology can drastically reduce the size of the photo while maintaining the original quality and resolution of the photo, and its compression ratio is more than 5 times of the original.

As more and more photography enthusiasts are using on JPEGmini makes it possible to upload, send and share photos much faster and save on storage and bandwidth costs.

JPEGmini technology analyzes the input image by using a unique imitation of the human visual system and compresses it at the maximum compression rate that does not affect the visual effect. The second component of JPEGmini is a JPEG coder, which encodes the original photos and creates the highest compression rate according to the JPEG standard. That is, JPEGmini is not a new file format, but uses the JPEG file format.

Currently, JPEGmini only provides a web service method where users upload pictures and the system automatically compresses them. If you upload only one picture, you do not need to register an account; if you need to handle multiple pictures, you need to register an account (free of charge).

According to the test by Jim Goldstein, a professional photographer at JMG Gallery in San Francisco, JPEGmini compresses larger pictures better than Photoshop, but on smaller pictures, Photoshop's "Save as Web Format" (using the "Save as Web Format" feature) can be used. Save as Web format" (using 60% quality) is even better for smaller images. This coincides with what JPEGmini itself says - the higher the resolution of the original image, the more pronounced the compression effect.

According to JPEGmini's FAQ page, not all pictures are compressed much. In fact, the larger the picture, the larger it can be compressed. At the beginning of the design, JPEGmini is specially designed for those photos taken by digital devices, so the photos processed by photo editing software may be compressed poorly. It is worth mentioning that JPEGmini retains the metadata metadata of the photos.

Professional photographers who only use RAW format to store photos may not need JPEGmini, but most users certainly do, especially for those who do not need to do much post-processing. increase the speed of sharing, while saving bandwidth and traffic.

Online Picture Resolution Compression Tool
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