

Online visual bookmarking and search tool

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brief introduction

Wibki:Online visual bookmarking and It will change the way you browse the web, with a highly personalized cross-platform bookmarking tool that allows users to create a dynamic visual home page listing your favorite web bookmarks, supporting smartphones and tablets.

For the favorite pages in the Favorites folder this feature has been available since The Internet has already started, the collection of folder tools will not be unfamiliar to everyone, there are engaged in the online platform for web bookmarking, there are engaged in the browser bookmarking plug-in, web bookmarking function derived from the URL navigation, the most popular way to collect bookmarks or browser synchronization and URL navigation two ways, but this Israeli startup Wibki will allow you to put all the collection of information in the same place, with a very convenient and fast visual interface. In a very convenient and quick visual interface, according to your browsing habits.

If we had different folders in many browsers, we would have at least 50 different site collections, and that would probably be the best case scenario. If we think back to when we last opened these sites, we will find that the vast majority of sites are actually inactive, just waiting there, hoping that we will one day remember having favorited them, and that we may one day come back and reopen them.

In fact, if you think about it, the Favorites feature hasn't changed since it was first introduced to the browser. This feature is called Favorites, because we need to place on it a few of the most frequently visited sites. And when we visit these sites, we can usually just type them in the address bar and it will do it for us automatically. We can look for the domain name of this site again and again on Google, and we forget that they have been lying quietly in our favorites for a long time.

The Wibki tool (introductory video) is designed to solve these problems in the online browsing experience, using the way that users often see the Favorites folder as a marker to start the browsing process. They may forget the function options. Using the software platform users can create a home page of their own for web browsing, in fact it is a tool to visualize the user's favorites, just to solve the usual classification problems in personal experience. Usually favorites just show long, dry URL text that makes you feel dizzy after just one look. But the new visualization option shows the logos of these sites so that they are very intuitive to click on. People can see forty different sites on one page. The site allows users to import and save a list of their current favorites in their browser, which eliminates the need for you to enter them again from scratch.

Although the service provides a detailed description, we should point out that first-time users may feel uncomfortable because the site opens with a blank page that needs to be filled in the first time, and without proper guidance, users may not know what they are going to do next.

But once the user fills the page with their own favorites, the site quickly becomes more user-friendly and easier to understand. We can see how it will become a useful tool.

The element we really like about the site is the visual interface. Each site offers an official icon that users can replace with another, if they choose to. On top of that, most users now browse through their phones, so they offer a mobile version that allows them to access their personal favorites with a touch of the screen.

The conclusion is that this is a site designed primarily to replace your classic favorites feature. The visual display is excellent, and you can click once to go straight to your target.

Wibki is a visual bookmarking and discovery service that will change the way you browse the web. Think of Wibki as Think of Wibki as your own little house on the Web prairie where you have all of your bookmarks under one roof.

Wibki is the Wibki is the personalized cross-platform bookmarks tool where you can add and manage all of your favorites in a single visual venue. users to create a dynamic, personal visual homepage listing all their favorites in an intuitive and aesthetic manner which is ideal for mobile and tablets .

Wibki strives to become your key to the web by combining a visual bookmarking tool with a new social discovery concept that is based on actual web browsing habits.

It's a place where you can discover the sites your friends Discover the web through your friends' eyes, visit your personal favorites, learn your usage trends through Discover the web through your friends' eyes, visit your personal favorites, learn your usage trends through unlocking achievements and badges, and then seamlessly share how you're using the web with the world.

Online visual bookmarking and search tool
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