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Bank of Israel

The Bank of Israel (Bank of Israel; abbreviated as BOI) is Israel's central bank, established in 1954 and headquartered in Jerusalem, is responsible for operating monetary policy, managing the country's foreign exchange reserves, and maintaining the stability of the financial markets.

Israel Artificial Bank

Bank Hapoalim Israel's largest bank and one of the most influential, listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, was founded in 1921 by the Israel Labor Federation; it was nationalized in 1983.Bank Hapoalim was ranked in the 2014 ranked 822nd in the Global Business 2000.

Israel Discount Bank

Israel Discount Bank (Israel Discount Bank), one of the three largest banks in Israel, was founded by Leonardi on April 5, 1935, with more than 260 branches and 185 billion NIS (about $48 billion) in assets. The bank was ranked No. 1660 in the 2014 Global Business 2000.

National Bank of Israel

The National Bank of Israel (Bank Leumi), one of Israel's largest banks, was founded in London on February 27, 1902 as Anglo Palestine; in 1932, the main branch was moved to Jerusalem; after the establishment of the State of Israel, it was allowed to issue In 1954, it became a specialized commercial bank and in 1983, it was nationalized. The bank was ranked 1143rd in the Global 2000 in 2014.

Milat and Bank

Mizrahi Tefahot Bank (MTB) Israel's fourth largest bank and the largest mortgage lender in Israel, is listed and ranked 1,547th in the Global Corporate 2000 in 2014.

Bank Hapoalim Israel
Founded in 1921, Hapoalim Bank is the largest bank in Israel, accounting for approximately one-third of the country's banking sector.
Bank Leumi Israel
Bank Leumi is an Israeli bank. It was founded in Jaffa on February 27, 1902, as a subsidiary of the Jewish Colonial Trust Company Limited, established in London by members of the Zionist movement to promote industry, construction, agriculture and infrastructure in what they hoped would eventually become the land of Israel. Today, Bank Leumi is the largest bank in Israel, with overseas offices in Luxembourg, the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Uruguay, Romania, Jersey and China.
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