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The Jerusalem Post, Israel
The Jerusalem Post, founded in 1932, is a widely recognized newspaper dedicated to news about the Middle East and Israel, with considerable credibility, and has been a leader among English-language newspapers in Israel.
Israel Yediot Aharonot
Israel Yediot Aharonot website.
Haaretz, Israel
The official website of the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, one of the three mainstream newspapers in Israel.
The Times of Israel
The Time of Israel (The Time of Israel) is an online English newspaper founded in 2012, invested by the famous American investor Seth Rahman, the newspaper mainly covers technology, innovation, business and social development in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world. The website is currently available in English, Arabic, French and Chinese.
Israel's popular content portal. The latest news programs, computers and internet, food, sports and more. All the most interesting things to do in the country and the world.
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