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Online Screening Bra Buying Platform

Online stores often overlook the importance of corsets to women The process of finding and buying a corset is a very personal shopping process. In addition, wearing an unsuitable size corset can be very uncomfortable and often cause problems such as back pain. This leads many people to prefer to buy bras that are similar or even the same as their existing bras, rather than easily trying other brands and other styles of bras, mainly because they are worried about not being able to buy the right one.

Brayola: Online Filtered Bras Brayola is a platform that helps women find and buy the bras that fit them best in terms of size and style, eliminating the embarrassment of not being able to try them on and making it easy for women to choose the products that fit them.

Before you can use Brayola's service, you must first answer Brayola's questions: what is your favorite bra brand, which one, what size, etc. After answering these questions, you will need to find and purchase the bra that fits you best. After answering these questions, you will need to create a personal bra closet with a mailbox, and Brayola will place the bras you already have and like in the closet based on your answers. Brayola then uses an intelligent recommendation algorithm to recommend new bras from e-commerce sites that are popular with users who are wearing the same size bra as you. Brayola will not only recommend other bras for you, it will also recommend different styles and types of bras for you based on your size.

According to Brayola's research, 80% of women wear bras that don't fit! And many people don't realize it. In order to make everyone aware of the importance of the right size, Brayola has launched a new "Fit or Not" feature that gathers the wisdom of fellow women to see if your bra size is right.

To use Fit or Not, you will need to put on your bra and take a picture and upload it to Brayola - be careful not to show your face, if you do, Brayola will remove your face to protect your privacy! --The photo will not show your real name, and since all the other users of the "Contest and Judgment" are women in bras, founder Orit Hashay believes it's not that "risky". The "risky" thing to do.

After uploading, other users can vote on whether your bra size is appropriate: YES, NO, or PASS, and finally, a real "bra expert" will come out to make the final judgment.


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