

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

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brief introduction

HUJI: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Founded in 1925 as the first university in Israel, it marked the cultural revival of the Jewish people in its ancestral homeland. Today, the Hebrew University has developed into a vibrant, comprehensive university that integrates teaching and research, with four campuses and a total of approximately 20,000 students.

The Hebrew University has faculties of Arts, Social Sciences, Science, Agriculture, and Medicine. The Hebrew University has seven faculties: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Law, and has more than 60 research centers and a national library. The language of instruction is Hebrew, and courses in other languages such as English, French and German are also offered.

As Israel's most prestigious and comprehensive university, the University has seven faculties: the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry and the Faculty of Law.

Hebrew is the language of instruction used at the University, while English, French, Spanish and Russian have been used in the College of International Students (each academic year begins in October and ends in June). The academic year is generally three years for undergraduates, three and a half years for law majors, and six years for medical majors.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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