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brief introduction

Art UK (Art UK) is a digital museum launched by the Art UK is a digital museum launched by the Public Catalogue Foundation, which hopes to create the UK's leading art database, allowing users who love painting to see all the masterpieces in UK museums without leaving the country. uses the latest web technology to bring Art UK uses the latest web technologies to bring the arts into the lives of all people. Ed Vaizey, the UK's Minister for Culture, says "Britain's collections are world class and through this project he hopes to make British culture accessible to people around the world." Art UK has spent nearly 10 years and £6 million to create an archive of 212,732,000 works of art, about 80 percent of which have never been displayed publicly and have never been documented photographically in the past.

However, the existing artworks on the website are still not detailed enough, mostly for oil paintings, and the organization expects to start adding watercolors, drawings, sculptures and other media to the archive from this summer. In addition to this expansion, museums in the UK will be able to upload their own collections of drawings, watercolors, pastels, photographs, etc. to the website. The British Museum currently has the largest collection of paintings, with about 375,000 works, the Victoria and Albert Museum in second place, with a collection of nearly 200,000 works, and the Tate in third place, with 50,000 paintings.

The British Public Catalogue Foundation has also launched Art Detective, Tag artworks, and other services that allow everyone to edit artwork information. Art Detective is like a virtual seminar where art experts and history buffs can join the discussion and provide more information about artworks.
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