

UK Department for Education Official Website

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brief introduction

Education.Gov. UK:The UK Department for Education is the main department governing education in the UK, providing departmental profiles, institutional settings, children and young people, education news, education research and data, education publications and more.

Higher education institutions in the UK include universities, colleges of Higher education colleges, colleges of education, and colleges of art and design. There are more than 90 universities and 150 colleges offering post-graduate programs in the UK.

The UK values education. The UK is home to not only some of the world's most famous and oldest schools, colleges and universities, but also some of the newest and most innovative institutions. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of five and sixteen. In terms of curriculum and qualifications, there are two different systems, one in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and the other in Scotland.

The Ministry of Education's successive name changes and the reasons for them. The names, Department for Education and Science, Department for Education and Employment, Department for Education and Skills, Department for Children, Schools and Families and Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills ...... From these names you can see the main issues that education had to address at various points in its development.

UK Department for Education Official Website
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