

International Council of Museums official website [ICOM

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brief introduction

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is one of the largest international non-governmental museum professional organizations. It is dedicated to supporting and assisting the establishment, development, and professional management of museum institutions worldwide, and was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in Paris, France.

enjoys consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESC) has a consultative status. It is the only international organization representing museums and museum professionals in the world and is the largest and most influential organization in the international museum community, with its registered office in the UNESCO building in Paris, France.

ICOM is dedicated to encouraging and supporting the establishment, development and professional management of museums worldwide, organizing professional cooperation in all areas of museums, promoting museums and museum careers, fulfilling its mission to serve the international community (combating illegal smuggling, museum first aid after natural or man-made disasters, etc.), and regulating museums. The museums and the museums' business, the mission to serve the international community (combating illegal smuggling, museum emergency projects after natural or man-made disasters, etc.), and the standardization of museum ethics.

Currently, the organization has more than 28,000 members from 137 countries around the world and has established national committees in 115 countries, with 31 international professional committees, 17 affiliated international organizations and seven regional committees, making it a truly authoritative representative of the international museum industry. The museums are represented in English, French and Spanish. English, French and Spanish are the official languages of ICOM and can be used at ICOM meetings. International Museum Day is celebrated annually on May 18.

The ICOM organization consists of the General Assembly, the Advisory Board, the Executive Committee, the Secretariat, the UNESCO ICOM Information Center, 115 National Committees, 30 International Professional Committees, 17 affiliated international organizations, and 7 Regional Committees.

The IBA General Assembly, held every three years, is the highest authority of the IBA and has always been highly valued by the museum industry, host countries and the public. First, the selection and discussion of the theme of the conference reflects the common concerns of the industry and the latest research results, while also having a great relationship with the characteristics of the host country's museums; second, the conference has the broadest representation in the industry, for different economic and cultural backgrounds of museum professionals to provide a good platform for business exchanges; third, the conference organized during the exposition, cultural activities and other projects, for the host country's Third, the expositions and cultural activities organized during the conference provide an important opportunity for the general public in the host country to understand more directly the unique cultural resources of museums and their role in social, cultural, and technological development. Therefore, the ICOM enjoys the reputation of "International Olympic Games of Museums".

In May 2006, Shanghai, China, was awarded the right to host the 22nd ICOM. With the support of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the 22nd General Assembly and 25th Plenary Session of the IAA was successfully held in Shanghai from November 7 to 12. Nearly 3,600 museum professionals from around the world representing 122 countries, regions and international organizations participated in the conference.

Liu Yandong, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor, Yu Zhengsheng, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee, and Cai Wu, Minister of Culture of the People's Republic of China, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. Six renowned experts from museums around the world gave keynote speeches with clear ideas and profound insights, explaining different understandings of harmony, which were applauded by the participants. On November 12, the plenary session and closing ceremony were held with the participation of former French President Jacques René Chirac, who expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government for its important contribution to the ICOM. He expressed his gratitude to the Chinese government for its important contribution to the IBA. The conference adopted 18 resolutions, including the Shanghai Declaration, which was adopted by consensus, and announced the new President of the IBA.

International Council of Museums official website [ICOM
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