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Academic Resources Search Engine

Intute is a free, easy, and Intute is a free, easy and powerful search tool developed by JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Council and AHRC, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, focusing on web resources for teaching and research. The information contained in the database has been selected and reviewed by industry experts to ensure its quality. The database currently contains 120,060 articles.

Intute's search functions include basic search, advanced search, and subdisciplinary browsing Intute supports Boolean logic, with "and", "or", and "not" to restrict the search criteria, and the search term can be a title, keyword, or domain description.

google UK
google search engine UK site, web, image, news search, support personalized search and local search, provide forum, mailbox, calendar service and desktop search tools.
Excite UK - Search
Global famous search engine, this is its UK site.
Abrexa UK
UK Web Directory. UK
It is designed as a conversational engine to answer users' questions. Users can find information in the language they are accustomed to using to ask questions, and do not need to think like a machine to construct a search formula, which is convenient for users.
Yahoo! UK-Search
International portal Yahoo!
UK Web Directory.
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