

Oscobo|UK Anonymous Search Engine

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brief introduction

Oscobo is a UK-based search engine that does not at all The search engine that does not track users' personal information was co-founded by former Yahoo employees Fredrik Cornell and Robert Perin. Although the main search target is UK website data, after testing, even Chinese websites have been included.

Fredrik Cornell is very Fredrik Cornell liked Yahoo, but he started to feel uncomfortable when he saw that they were tracking users and using the data to make more money. So he decided to provide a search engine that didn't track users at all.

In recent years, user data has been widely used or exchanged, but when Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. government was secretly building a massive surveillance machine to destroy privacy and Internet freedom, everyone suddenly woke up. As a result, DuckDuckGo has grown by 600% in the past two years.

Personal privacy has begun to become an important factor affecting the development of the Internet, so the European Union began to have cookie-related regulations a few years ago, in addition to informing users, but also must allow users to refuse to be tracked. Although these norms are not yet mature, but this trend may cause significant impact later.

Oscobo|UK Anonymous Search Engine
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