

Internet Information Security Search Engine

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brief introduction

Shodan:Internet Information Security A "dark" Google, constantly looking for all the servers, cameras, printers, routers, etc. associated with the Internet. Each month Shodan will be on about 500 million servers day and night to collect information.

Shodan does not search the web for URLs, but goes directly to the back channels of the Internet. Shodan can be described as a "dark" Google, constantly looking for all the servers, cameras, printers, routers, etc. associated with the Internet. Each month Shodan will be on about 500 million servers day and night to collect information.

The information that Shodan collects is amazing. Shodan users have found the control system of a water park, a gas station, and even a hotel wine cooler. The site's researchers have also used Shodan to locate the command and control system of a nuclear power station and a particle cyclotron.

Shodan's real noteworthy ability is its ability to find almost anything associated with the Internet. And the really scary thing about Shodan is that almost none of these devices have security measures installed, and it can access them at will.

Internet Information Security Search Engine
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